Using Service Provider Connections to Model Operational Payment Networks, Accessible Data

Figure 1. Daily Variation in Payment Volume

This is a bar chart titled “Daily Variation in Payment Volume”. The x axis ranges from 0 to 22 in units of 1, representing the hours which the Fedwire system is open. The y axis ranges from 0 to 25, representing billions of US dollars. The series begins around 5 billion US dollars at the beginning of the payment day and fluctuates around this value, with peaks of around 15 billion US dollars occurring at 0200, 0700, and 1700. However, the largest peak of 25 billion US dollars occurs at 1800.

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Figure 2. Relationship between Total Assets and Aggregate Payment Activity

This is a trendline chart, entitled “Relationship Between Total Assets and Aggregate Payment Activity”. The x axis ranges from 0 to 200 billion US dollars, representing the size of each plotted bank in terms of total consolidated assets. The y axis ranges from 0 to 60 billion US dollars, representing the aggregate Fedwire payment activity of each plotted bank. The trendline illustrates a positive association between the two variables, and includes a confidence band. The mean Fedwire payment activity for banks illustrated by the trendline ranges from about 1 billion for the smallest banks to about 20 billion for the largest banks. The slope of the curve is positive and steepens after about 75 billion in total consolidated assets.

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Last Update: January 03, 2025