Photo of Sarena F. Goodman

Sarena F. Goodman


  • Ph.D., Economics, Columbia University, 2013
  • A.B., Economics, Dartmouth College, 2005
Current Research Topics
  • college access; intergenerational mobility;
  • household finance
  • Principal Economist

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    2019 - present
  • Senior Economist

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    2016 - 2019
  • Economist

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    2013 - 2016
  • Saving and Wealth Accumulation among Student Loan Borrowers: Implications for Retirement Preparedness
    Lisa J. Dettling, Sarena F. Goodman, and Sarah J. Reber
    Real-World Shocks and Retirement System Resiliency (2024)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2022)
  • Taking It to the Limit: Effects of Increased Student Loan Availability on Attainment, Earnings, and Financial Well-Being
    Sandra E. Black, Jeffrey T. Denning, Lisa J. Dettling, Sarena Goodman, and Lesley J. Turner
    American Economic Review (2023)
  • The Effect of Financial Resources on Homeownership, Marriage, and Fertility: Evidence from State Lotteries
    George Bulman, Sarena Goodman, and Adam Isen
    NBER Working Paper Series (2022)
  • A Day Late and a Dollar Short: Liquidity and Household Formation among Student Borrowers
    Sarena Goodman, Adam Isen, and Constantine Yannelis
    Journal of Financial Economics (2021)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2018)
  • A Wealth of Information: Augmenting the Survey of Consumer Finances to Characterize the Full U.S. Wealth Distribution
    Jesse Bricker, Sarena Goodman, Kevin B. Moore, and Alice Henriques Volz
    Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2021)
  • Parental Resources and College Attendance: Evidence from Lottery Wins
    George Bulman, Robert Fairlie, Sarena Goodman, and Adam Isen
    American Economic Review (2021)
  • Attendance Spillovers between Public and For-Profit Colleges: Evidence from Statewide Variation in Appropriations for Higher Education
    Sarena Goodman and Alice Henriques Volz
    Education Finance and Policy (2020)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2015)
  • On Intergenerational Immobility: Evidence that Adult Credit Health Reflects the Childhood Environment
    Sarena Goodman, Alvaro Mezza, and Alice Henriques Volz
    Economic Inquiry (2020)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2017)
  • Un-Fortunate Sons: Effects of the Vietnam Draft Lottery on the Next Generation's Labor Market
    Sarena Goodman and Adam Isen
    American Economic Journal: Applied Economics (2020)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2015)
  • Every Little Bit Counts: The Impact of High-Speed Internet on the Transition to College
    Lisa J. Dettling, Sarena Goodman, and Jonathan Smith
    Review of Economics and Statistics (2018)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2015)
  • Learning from the Test: Raising Selective College Enrollment by Providing Information
    Sarena Goodman
    Review of Economics and Statistics (2016)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2013)
  • Homelessness Prevention in New York City: On Average, It Works
    Sarena Goodman, Peter Messeri, and Brendan O'Flaherty
    Journal of Housing Economics (2016)
  • A Few Goodmen: Surname-Sharing Economist Coauthors
    Allen C. Goodman, Joshua Goodman, Lucas Goodman, and Sarena Goodman
    Economic Inquiry (2015)
  • How Effective Homelessness Prevention Impacts the Length of Shelter Spells
    Sarena Goodman, Peter Messeri, and Brendan O'Flaherty
    Journal of Housing Economics (2014)
  • The Design of Teacher Incentive Pay and Educational Outcomes: Evidence from the New York City Bonus Program
    Sarena Goodman and Lesley J. Turner
    Journal of Labor Economics (2013)
  • Does Whole-School Performance Pay Improve Student Learning?
    Sarena Goodman and Lesley J. Turner
    Education Next (2011)
  • The Taxation of Social Security Benefits as an Approach to Means Testing
    Sarena Goodman and Jeffrey Liebman
    NBER Retirement Research Center paper (2008)
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Last Update: August 2, 2024