Photo of Teng Wang

Teng Wang


  • Ph.D., Finance, Erasmus University Rotterdam, 2015
  • M.Phil., Finance (Cum Laude), Erasmus University Rotterdam, 2010
  • B.Sc., International Economics and Finance, University of Amsterdam, 2008
Current Research Topics
  • Financial Crises and Bank Lending
  • Law and Finance, Wholesale Credit Risk
  • Principal Economist

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    2021 - present
  • Senior Economist

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    2018 - 2021
  • Economist

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    2015 - 2018
  • Trade credit supply and usage during normal and crisis times: a recent review of literature
    Jeffrey Jou, Lei Li, and Teng Wang
    Research Handbook on Alternative Finance (2024)
  • Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions Under Lender Scrutiny
    Buhui QIu and Teng Wang
    Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2024)
  • How Private Equity Fuels Non-Bank Lending
    Sharjil Haque, Simon Mayer, and Teng Wang
    Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2024)
  • Piercing through Opacity: Relationships and Credit Card Lending to Consumers and Small Businesses during Normal Times and the COVID-19 Crisis
    Allen N. Berger, Christa H.S. Bouwman, Lars Norden, Raluca A. Roman, Gregory F. Udell, and Teng Wang
    Journal of Political Economy (2024)
  • If You Don't Know Me by Now ...' Banks’ Private Information and Relationship Length
    Stijn Claessens, Steven Ongena, and Teng Wang
    Swiss Finance Institute Research Paper Series (2023)
  • Local Banks and the Effects of Oil Price Shocks
    Teng Wang
    Journal of Banking & Finance (2021)
  • Debt Rollover Risk, Credit Default Swap Spread and Stock Returns: Evidence from the COVID-19 Crisis
    Ya Liu, Buhui Qiu, and Teng Wang
    Journal of Financial Stability (2021)
  • Is a Friend in Need a Friend Indeed? How Relationship Borrowers Fare During the COVID-19 Crisis
    Allen N. Berger, Christa H.S. Bouwman, Lars Norden, Raluca A. Roman, Gregory F. Udell, and Teng Wang
    Working paper (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia) (2021)
  • Patent Enforcement, Shareholder Value, and Firm Innovations: Evidence from the Supreme Court Ruling on TC Heartland (2017)
    Andy Law, Buhui Qiu, and Teng Wang
    Harvard Business Law Review (2021)
  • Branching Networks and Geographic Contagion of Commodity Price Shocks
    Teng Wang
    Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2020)
  • Do Bank Bailouts Affect the Provision of Trade Credit?
    Lars Norden, Gregory F. Udell, and Teng Wang
    Journal of Corporate Finance (2020)
  • To Build or to Buy? The Role of Local Information in Credit Market Development
    Teng Wang
    Management Science (2019)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2017)
  • How Do Credit Ratings Affect Bank Lending Under Capital Constraints?
    Stijn Claessens, Andy Law, and Teng Wang
    BIS Working Papers (2018)
  • Does Knowledge Protection Benefit Shareholders? Evidence from Stock Market Reaction and Firm Investment in Knowledge Assets
    Buhui Qiu and Teng Wang
    Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis (2018)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2017)
  • The Effects of Corporate Bond Granularity
    Lars Norden, Peter Roosenboom, and Teng Wang
    Journal of Banking & Finance (2016)
  • Essays in Banking and Corporate Finance
    Teng Wang
    Dissertations (Erasmus University) (2015)
  • The Impact of Government Intervention in Banks on Corporate Borrowers' Stock Returns
    Lars Norden, Peter Roosenboom, and Teng Wang
    Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis (2013)
  • conference

    Sep, 2024

    FDIC Banking conference

  • discussion

    Jul, 2024

    NBER Summer Institute

  • conference

    Jul, 2024

    IBEFA Conference

  • seminar

    May, 2024

    OCC Research Seminar

  • conference

    Mar, 2024

    ITAM Finance conference

  • seminar

    Feb, 2024

    Florida Atlantic University Research Seminar

  • conference

    Feb, 2024

    RCFS Winter Conference 2024

  • seminar

    Jan, 2024

    University of Leuven (Belgium)

  • conference

    Dec, 2023

    Paris December Finance Conference

  • seminar

    Aug, 2023

    University of Zurich (Switzerland)

  • seminar

    Jul, 2023

    Bank for International Settlements

  • conference

    Jul, 2023

    IBEFA Conference

  • seminar

    Apr, 2023

    Financial Service Agency of Japan

  • seminar

    Apr, 2023

    Hitotsubashi University (Japan)

  • conference

    May, 2022

    The Financial Intermediation Research Society (FIRS) Conference

  • conference

    May, 2022

    SFS Cavalcade

  • conference

    Mar, 2021

    Midwest finance conference

  • conference

    Jan, 2021

    AEA Annual Meetings

  • conference

    Dec, 2020

    Paris December Finance Conference

  • conference

    Nov, 2020

    Federal Reserve System Committee Conference in Energy Finance

  • conference

    Oct, 2020

    Stress Testing Research Conference

  • conference

    Jan, 2020

    ASSA annual meetings

  • conference

    Oct, 2019

    Federal Reserve Community Banking Conference

  • conference

    May, 2019

    Financial Intermediation Research Society Conference

  • conference

    Apr, 2019

    Chicago Financial Institutions Conference

  • conference

    Nov, 2017

    Federal Reserve System Committee on Financial Institutions, Regulation, and Markets

  • conference

    Oct, 2017

    Annual Searle Center/USPTO Conference on Innovation Economics

  • conference

    Jan, 2017

    AEA Annual Meetings

  • 2011

    National Science Foundation of the Netherlands

    NWO Mosaic Grant for Doctoral Research

  • 2016

    Financial Management Association

    FMA Asia Pacific Conference Best Paper Award

  • 2021

    Southern Finance Association

    Southern Finance Association Conference Best Paper Award

Conference Organization
  • 2021-current

    Community Banking Conference

    Program Committee Member

  • 2022-current

    IBEFA Conference

    Program Committee Member

  • 2021-current


    Program Committee Member

  • 2017-current | North America and Asia

    Financial Management Association

    Program Committee Member

  • Ad hoc referee for Management Science, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Review of Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Corporate Finance, Comparative Economic Studies, BE Journals, etc.
  • Ad hoc reviewer for research proposals for National Science Foundation (NSF)
Professional Affiliation
  • American Economics Association, American Finance Association, Financial Management Association, FIRS, Community Banking Conference
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Last Update: August 2, 2024