Photo of Traci L. Mach

Traci L. Mach


  • Ph.D., Economics, Ohio State University, 2000
  • B.A., Business & Economics and German, Cornell College, 1994
Current Research Topics
  • Small Business Finance
  • Principal Economist

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    2015 - present
  • Senior Economist

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    2012 - 2015
  • Economist

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    2003 - 2012
  • Assistant Professor

    University at Albany - SUNY

    2000 - 2003
  • Marketplace lending and consumer credit outcomes: evidence from prosper
    Timothy Dore and Traci Mach
    Applied Economics (2022)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2019)
  • Recent Trends in Small Business Lending and the Community Reinvestment Act
    Tim Dore and Traci Mach
    FEDS Notes (2018)
  • The Impact of the Small Business Lending Fund on Community Bank Lending to Small Businesses
    Dean Amel and Traci Mach
    Economic Notes (2017)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2014)
  • To Lend or Not to Lend: Exploring the Early Days of Peer-to-Peer Lending to Small Businesses
    Traci L. Mach, Courtney M. Carter, and Cailin R. Slattery
    Strategic Approaches to Successful Crowdfunding (2015)
  • Drowning or Weathering the Storm? Changes in Family Finances from 2007 to 2009
    Jesse Bricker, Brian K. Bucks, Arthur Kennickell, Traci L. Mach, and Kevin Moore
    Measuring Wealth and Financial Intermediation and Their Links to the Real Economy (2015)
  • Business to Business Credit to Small Firms
    Traci L. Mach
    Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2014)
  • Peer-to-Peer Lending to Small Businesses
    Traci L. Mach, Courtney M. Carter, and Cailin R. Slattery
    Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2014)
  • The Role of Credit Access in Firm Sustainability: A Comparison of the 1998 and 2003 Surveys of Small Business Finances
    Traci L. Mach
    International Review of Entrepreneurship (2014)
  • The Financial Crisis from the Family's Perspective: Evidence from the 2007-2009 SCF Panel
    Jesse Bricker, Brian Bucks, Arthur Kennickell, Traci Mach, and Kevin Moore
    Journal of Consumer Affairs (2012)
  • Examining the Impact of Credit Access on Small Firm Survivability
    Traci L. Mach and John D. Wolken
    Small Businesses in the Aftermath of the Crisis: International Analyses and Policies (2012)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2012)
  • Surveying the Aftermath of the Storm: Changes in Family Finances from 2007 to 2009
    Jesse Bricker, Brian Bucks, Arthur B. Kennickell, Traci L. Mach, and Kevin B. Moore
    Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2011)
  • Changes in U.S. Family Finances from 2004 to 2007: Evidence from the Survey of Consumer Finances
    Brian K. Bucks, Arthur B. Kennickell, Traci L. Mach, and Kevin B. Moore
    Federal Reserve Bulletin (2009)
  • The Use of Alternative Employment Arrangements by Small Businesses: Evidence from the 2003 Survey of Small Business Finances
    Traci L. Mach and John A. Holmes
    Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2008)
  • Starting Small and Ending Big -- The Effect of Monetary Incentives on Response Rates in the 2003 Survey of Small Business Finances: An Observational Experiment
    Traci L. Mach, Lieu N. Hazelwood, and John D. Wolken
    Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2008)
  • Alternative Methods of Unit Nonresponse Weighting Adjustments: An Application from the 2003 Survey of Small Business Finances
    Lieu N. Hazelwood, Traci L. Mach, and John D. Wolken
    Finance and Economics Discussion Series (2007)
  • Determining Subsampling Rates for Nonrespondents
    Janella Chapline, Traci L. Mach, John D. Wolken, and Rachel Harter
    Proceedings of the Third International Conference of Establishment Surveys (2007)
  • Financial Services Used by Small Businesses: Evidence from the 2003 Survey of Small Business Finances
    Traci L. Mach and John D. Wolken
    Federal Reserve Bulletin (2006)
  • Performance Pay and Fringe Benefits: Work Incentives or Compensating Wage Differentials?
    Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes and Traci Mach
    International Journal of Manpower (2003)
  • The Impact of Families on Juvenile Substance Use
    Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes and Traci Mach
    Journal of Bioeconomics (2002)
  • A Cross-Cohort Examination of Nonmarital Teenage Childbearing
    Traci Mach
    Department of economics discussion papers (State University of New York at Albany) (2002)
  • The Role of Access to Childcare in the Successful Transitions from Welfare to Work
    Traci Mach and Patricia Reagan
    Department of economics discussion papers (State University of New York at Albany) (2002)
  • Determinants of AFDC Caseloads: How Have Exit and Take-Up Rates Been Affected by Welfare Reform?
    Traci Mach
    Department of economics discussion papers (State University of New York at Albany) (2000)
  • Measuring the Impact of Family Caps on Childbearing Decisions
    Traci Mach
    Department of economics discussion papers (State University of New York at Albany) (2000)
  • The Welfare Magnate Debate Revisited in the Context of Welfare Reform
    Traci Mach
    Department of economics discussion papers (State University of New York at Albany) (2000)
  • It's Not How Much You Spend, It's How You Spend It: Preventing Juvenile Crime And Delinquency Through Innovative School Programs
    Traci Mach and Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes
    Department of economics discussion papers (State University of New York at Albany) (2000)
  • Three Essays on Welfare Reform
    Traci Lynn Mach
    Ohio State University (2000)
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Last Update: August 2, 2024