Photo of David Bowman

David Bowman

Senior Associate Director Program Direction Section Monetary Affairs
[email protected]


  • Ph.D., Economics, University of California - Berkeley, 1993
  • B.A., Economics, University of California - Irvine, 1985
  • Senior Associate Director

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    2019 - present
  • Senior Advisor

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    2018 - 2019
  • Special Advisor to the Board

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    2015 - 2018
  • Associate Director

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    2013 - 2015
  • Assistant Director

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    2010 - 2013
  • Chief, Financial Markets

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    2007 - 2010
  • Senior Economist

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    2001 - 2007
  • Economist

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

    1993 - 2001
  • How Correlated is LIBOR with Bank Funding Costs?
    David Bowman, Chiara Scotti, and Cindy M. Vojtech
    FEDS Notes (2020)
  • Historical Proxies for the Secured Overnight Financing Rate
    David Bowman
    FEDS Notes (2019)
  • The Cleared Bilateral Repo Market and Proposed Repo Benchmark Rates
    David Bowman, Joshua Louria, Matthew McCormick, and Mary-Frances Styczynski
    FEDS Notes (2017)
  • Quantitative Easing and Bank Lending: Evidence from Japan
    David Bowman, Fang Cai, Sally Davies, and Steven Kamin
    Journal of International Money and Finance (2015)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2011)
  • U.S. Unconventional Monetary Policy and Transmission to Emerging Market Economies
    David Bowman, Juan M. Londono, and Horacio Sapriza
    Journal of International Money and Finance (2015)
    See also » FRB Working Paper (2014)
  • Interest on Excess Reserves as a Monetary Policy Instrument: The Experience of Foreign Central Banks
    David Bowman, Etienne Gagnon, and Mike Leahy
    International Finance Discussion Papers (2010)
  • Productivity Growth, Information Technology, and Monetary Policy
    David Bowman, Brian Madigan, Andrea De Michelis, Stephen D. Oliner, David L. Reifschneider, and Daniel E. Sichel
    Economie internationale (2004)
  • Market Power and Inflation
    David Bowman
    International Finance Discussion Papers (2003)
  • Sticky Prices, No Menu Costs
    David Bowman
    International Finance Discussion Papers (2002)
  • New Keynesian, Open-Economy Models and Their Implications for Monetary Policy
    Brian M. Doyle and David Bowman
    Price Adjustment and Monetary Policy (2002)
  • Efficient Tests for Autoregressive Unit Roots in Panel Data
    David Bowman
    International Finance Discussion Papers (1999)
  • Loss Aversion in a Consumption-Savings Model
    David Bowman, Deborah Minehart, and Matthew Rabin
    Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (1999)
  • Options, Sunspots, and the Creation of Uncertainty
    David Bowman and Jon Faust
    Journal of Political Economy (1997)
  • Constrained Suboptimality in Economies With Limited Communication
    David Bowman
    International Finance Discussion Papers (1995)
  • Loss Aversion in a Savings Model
    David Bowman, Debby Minehart, and Matthew Rabin
    Working Paper (University of California, Berkeley. Department of Economics) (1993)
  • Loss Aversion in a Savings Model
    David Bowman, Debby Minehart, and Rabin Matthew
    Economics Working Papers (University of California, Berkeley) (1993)
  • Three Essays in Macroeconomics and Finance
    David Henry Bowman
    Dissertations (University of California, Berkeley) (1993)
  • A State Space Model of the Economic Fundamentals
    Roger Craine and David Bowman
    Working Paper (University of California, Berkeley. Department of Economics) (1988)
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Last Update: August 2, 2024