
These tables will be discontinued with the final table released in April 2022.

The source for these data is the Treasury International Capital System and future data publications can be found on Treasury’s website. Data on U.S. financial firms’ liabilities to foreign residents are available here. Data on U.S. financial firms’ claims on foreign residents are available here.

Data were previously published in the Supplement to the Federal Reserve Bulletin, which ceased publication in December 2008.

Release Date: April 2022
Liabilities to, and Claims on, Foreigners Reported by Financial Firms in the United States (Table 3.16) 1
Payable in Foreign Currencies
Millions of dollars, end of period Make Full Screen
Item 2018 2019 2020 Mar 2021 Jun 2021 Sep 2021 Dec 2021/p
1 Financial firms` own liabilities 277,733 287,861 300,429 304,244 325,392 304,537 304,126
2 Deposits 136,563 147,176 135,548 137,988 154,829 150,569 154,933
3 Other liabilities 141,170 140,685 164,881 166,256 170,563 153,968 149,193
4 Financial firms` own claims 476,072 526,202 597,169 573,817 566,901 552,016 568,558
5 Deposits 144,179 166,987 203,872 212,988 214,971 209,679 214,598
6 Other claims 331,893 359,215 393,297 360,829 351,930 342,337 353,960
7 Claims of financial firms` domestic customers2 115,165 114,122 122,445 109,497 104,173 99,751 99,593
8 Deposits 27,511 28,550 27,857 26,653 30,435 25,986 23,908
9 Other claims 87,654 85,572 94,588 82,844 73,738 73,765 75,685
  1. Prior to December 2013, reporting firms include all types of depository institutions as well as some bank holding companies and brokers and dealers. Effective December 2013, data include, in addition, all other nonbank financial firms. Data on claims exclude uninvested foreign currencies held by U.S. monetary authorities.   Return to table
  2. Claims on foreigners reported by firms located in the United States, in which the assets are held by the firm for the accounts of domestic customers.   Return to table
Last Update: April 29, 2022