2024 FOIA Annual Report - Raw Data Definitions

Action Office: for agencies that process requests on a decentralized basis, an "action office" is sometimes referred to as an Office, Division, Bureau, Center, or Directorate, within the agency that processes FOIA requests

Request Number: the unique tracking number assigned to each request

Request Type: the kind of request a user can create in the system (FOIA, FOIA/PA, PA, Appeal, or Consultation)

Multi-Track Type: system in which simple requests requiring relatively minimal review are placed in one processing track; more voluminous and complex requests are placed in another track; and requests granted expedited processing are placed in another track

Request Status: the status of the request in the lifecycle (Amended, Closed, Processing, On Hold, etc.)

Original Received Date: the date on which the agency received the request from the requester

Received Date: the date on which the agency's FOIA Office received the request from the requester

Perfected Date: the date on which a request for records reasonably describes such records and is made in accordance with the agency's published rules stating the time, place, fees (if any) and procedures to be followed

Closed Date: the date on which the agency response was provided to the requester

Target Date: the date on which the agency should provide a response to the requester

Amended Date: the date on which the requester modified or clarified the scope of the request

Request Age: the number of days the request has been pending in the agency's FOIA Office

Processed Days: the number of days for which an agency has taken final action in all respects

Days Allowed: the statutory time limit within which an agency has to process a request

Days on Hold: the number of days that the agency stopped processing the request to either obtain information from the requester or clarify fee-related issues with the requester

Final Disposition: agency determination to disclose all or portions of the records and to withhold all or portions of the records

Reportable Other Code: agency's basis for closing a request other than the eleven categories of dispositions DOJ describes in the reason category

Exemption(s) Applied: which of FOIA's nine statutory exemptions were used to withhold information from release

Exemption 3 Statutes: a federal statute that exempts information from disclosure and which the agency relies on to withhold information under subsection (b)(3) of the FOIA

Is Backlogged: whether the request has been processed within the statutory period of time

Expedited Processing - Is Expedite Requested: whether the requester asked for expedited processing

Expedited Processing - Start Date: the date on which the requester asked for expedited processing

Expedited Processing - End Date: the date on which the agency adjudicated a request for expedited processing

Expedited Processing - Number of Days to Adjudicate: number of days the agency took to adjudicate a request for expedited processing

Expedited Processing – Status: agency adjudication about a request for expedited processing

Fee Waiver - Is Fee Waiver Requested: whether the requester asked for a fee waiver

Fee Waiver - Start Date: the date on which the requester asked for a fee waiver

Fee Waiver - End Date: the date on which the agency adjudicated a request for a fee waiver

Fee Waiver - Number of Days to Adjudicate: number of days the agency took to adjudicate a request for a fee waiver

Fee Waiver – Status: agency adjudication about a request for fee waiver

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Last Update: November 29, 2024