Guide to Requesting Records or Information

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. § 552, generally provides that any person has a right of access to federal agency records, unless the records (or any portion of the records) are protected from disclosure by one of FOIA's exemptions or by special law enforcement record exclusions.

The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) maintains public and nonpublic records. Public records are available at the Board's conventional reading room and the FOMC's electronic reading room. A FOIA request is not required to obtain these materials. Reading Room Certification (PDF)

The submission of a FOIA request is required to obtain nonpublic records. If you cannot locate the records or information you seek on the Federal Reserve Board's web site, you may wish to file a FOIA request (making a request).

You can find an overview of the FOMC and its operations in The Federal Reserve System: Purposes & Functions, which the Board publishes.

Last Update: March 01, 2017