1995 Memos
January 10

Request for Humphrey-Hawkins Projections (PDF)

January 25

Supplementary Greenbook Information from FRB Boston (PDF)

January 30

Rule-Based Policy Recommendations (PDF)

February 7

Dissenting Statements (PDF)

April 3

Change in Direction of Monetary Policy in 1989 (PDF)

  • Change of Direction of Monetary Policy in June 1989

April 11

Review of Major Committee Documents (PDF)

May 12

Poll of members on information availability and meeting attendance (PDF)

June 13

Request for Humphrey-Hawkins Projections (PDF)

June 14

Amended "Program for Security of FOMC Information" (PDF)

July 3

Corrections and Clarifications to the Greenbook Fiscal Policy Discussion (PDF)

August 11

1996 Proposed Meeting Schedule (PDF)

August 21

Correction to Greenbook Part I (PDF)

August 23

Real 3-month Bill Rate (PDF)

November 28

New method of conducting open market operations (PDF)

  • Announcement of Change in Outright Operation Methodology
  • Domestic Desk Management of Outright Operations: Statement for Discussion

December 1

Taylor's Monetary Policy Rule and Current Economic Conditions (PDF)

December 6

A Minor Redefinition of M2 (PDF)

December 14

Report of examination of the System Open Market Account (PDF)

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Last Update: October 04, 2024