The Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United States, provides the nation with a safe, flexible, and stable monetary and financial system.
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An Update on the Foreign Experience with Explicit Numerical Price Objectives (PDF)
Cover Memo: Economic Effects of Large-Scale Asset Purchases (PDF) - Economic Effects of Large-Scale Purchases of Long-term Treasury Securities and Agency Debt and MBS (PDF)
Cover Memo: Large-Scale Asset Purchases (PDF) - Expanding Large-Scale Asset Purchases: Effectiveness, Benefits, Risks, and Strategies (PDF)
Cover Memo: Background Information on Issues Related to Large-Scale Asset Purchases, Inflation Expectations, and Uncertainty about the Economic Outlook (PDF) - Optimal Paths for Large-scale Asset Purchases (PDF) - Large-Scale Asset Purchases and Inflation Expectations in the FRB/US Model (PDF) - Changes in Macroeconomic Uncertainty (PDF)
Cover Memo: The Effects on Interest Rates of Federal Reserve Asset Purchases (PDF) - A Preliminary Assessment of the Effects of the Federal Reserve's Large-Scale Asset Purchases on Interest Rates (PDF)
Cover Memo: Attached Memo Regarding Reserve Management Tools (PDF) - Reserve Management Tools to Target a Higher Policy Rate (PDF)
Cover Memo: Background Memos Regarding Reserve Management Tools (PDF) - Effectiveness of the Interest on Excess Reserves Operating Framework and of Options to Reduce Excess Reserves (PDF) - Term Deposits (PDF) - Implementation Strategies for the Issuance of Federal Reserve Discount Note Obligations (PDF) - Reverse Repos & MBS Dollar Rolls (PDF) - Portfolio Reduction Strategies through Redemptions or Outright Sales (PDF)
Cover Memo: Attached Memos Regarding Experience with Large-Scale Asset Purchases (PDF) - Large-Scale Asset Purchases: Recent Experience and Some Policy Considerations (PDF) - The Recent Use of Large-Scale Asset Purchases by Foreign Central Banks (PDF)
Cover Memo: Background Papers for December Special Topic Discussion (PDF) - Gaps and Monetary Policy (PDF) - The Global Slack Hypothesis (PDF) - The Role of Expectations and Output in the Inflation Process: An Empirical Assessment (PDF) - The Relationship between Inflation and Inflation Expectations (PDF) - Survey Evidence on the Perceived Relationship between Inflation and Government Debt among Consumers and Financial Experts (PDF)
Cover Memo: Presentations for December Special Topic Discussion (PDF) - Inflation Persistence, Output Gaps and Monetary Policy (PDF) - The Global Slack Hypothesis (PDF) - The Role of Expectations and Output in the Inflation Process (PDF)
Cover Memo: Reinvestment Policy for Maturing SOMA Holdings (PDF) - Reinvestment Policy for Maturing SOMA Holdings (PDF)
Cover Memo: Additional Background Paper on Inflation Dynamics (PDF) - Output Gaps and Inflation in DSGE Models (PDF)