The Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United States, provides the nation with a safe, flexible, and stable monetary and financial system.
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Request for January Projections (PDF)
Interest on Excess Reserves as a Monetary Policy Instrument: The Experience of Foreign Central Banks (PDF)
Large-Scale Asset Purchases by the Federal Reserve: Did They Work? (PDF)
Request for April Projections (PDF)
Quantitative Analysis of the Macroeconomic Effects of Alternative Strategies for Managing the Federal Reserve's Securities Holdings (PDF)
A new state-space model of potential output and the business cycle (PDF)
Arrangements for a Videoconference on May 9, 2010 (PDF)
Economic effects of loan write-offs and forgiveness (PDF)
Cover Memo: Recent fiscal developments in Europe and the United States (PDF) - The Fiscal Situation in the Advanced Foreign Economies (PDF) - The Long-Term Outlook for U.S. Fiscal Policy (PDF) - Macroeconomic Consequences of a European Sovereign Debt Crisis (PDF)
Request for June Projections (PDF)
Cover Memo: Foreign Experience with Monetary Policy Options (PDF) - The ECB's Use of Term Refinancing Operations (PDF) - The Swiss National Bank's Three-month Libor Target (PDF)
Cover Memo: Options for Further Monetary Policy Stimulus (PDF) - Reducing the IOER Rate: An Analysis of Options (PDF) - Potential Enhancements to FOMC Communication (PDF) - The Effects of MBS Paydowns and Potential Reinvestment Options (PDF)
Recent Stories in the Press (PDF)
A proposal for a State-Contingent Price-Level Objective (PDF)
Arrangements for a Videoconference on October 15, 2010 (PDF)
Cover Memo: Initial Background Material for October 15 Meeting (PDF) - Large-Scale Asset Purchases by the Federal Reserve: Did They Work? (PDF) (3/1/2010) - Economic Effects of Large-Scale Purchases of Long-term Treasury Securities and Agency Debt and MBS (PDF) (3/9/2009) - The Price Objective for Monetary Policy: An Outline of the Issues (PDF) (6/21/1996) - Issues Pertaining to the Specification of a Numerical Price-Related Objective for Monetary Policy (PDF) (3/12/2007) - Optimal Paths for Large-scale Asset Purchases (PDF) (4/20/2009) - Large-Scale Asset Purchases and Inflation Expectations in the FRB/US Model (PDF) (4/20/2009) - A Preliminary Assessment of the Effects of the Federal Reserve's Large-Scale Asset Purchases on Interest Rates (PDF) (4/23/2009) - The Recent Use of Large-Scale Asset Purchases by Foreign Central Banks (PDF) (6/15/2009) - Large-Scale Asset Purchases: Recent Experience and Some Policy Considerations (PDF) (6/16/2009) - Quantitative Analysis of the Macroeconomic Effects of Alternative Strategies for Managing the Federal Reserve's Securities Holdings (PDF) (4/22/2010) - Discussion at the Upcoming FOMC Meeting (PDF) (10/13/2006) - Foreign Experience with the Formulation and Discussion of Inflation Objectives (PDF) (3/8/2007) - An Update on the Foreign Experience with Explicit Numerical Price Objectives (PDF) (1/9/2009) - Targeting the Yield Curve: The Experience of the Federal Reserve, 1942-51 (PDF) (6/18/2003) - The Scope of Monetary Policy Actions Authorized Under the Federal Reserve Act (PDF) (4/1/2005) - Notes on Issues Related to the Zero Lower Bound on Nominal Interest Rates (PDF) (12/12/2008) - Alternative Instruments for Open Market and Discount Window Operations (PDF) (12/1/2002)
Cover Memo: Two Background Memos from Reserve Banks (PDF) - The Case for Targeting the Level of Nominal Spending (PDF) - A Background Memo on Inflation Rates in the Context of Price Level and Inflation Targeting Regimes (PDF) - Historically-Determined Inflation in the Context of Price Level and Inflation Targeting Regimes (PDF)
Cover Memo: Background for October 15 Meeting (PDF) - Questions for the FOMC Videoconference on October 15 (PDF) - Issues Related to Specifying a Policy Framework in the Current Environment (PDF) - Strategies for Targeting Interest Rates Out the Yield Curve (PDF)
President Plosser's Comments Regarding October 15, 2010 Videoconference (PDF)
Request for November Projections (PDF)
Financial Stability Background Memos (PDF) - Asset Valuation Assessment (PDF) - Indicators of Trends in Dealer-Intermediated Financing and Leverage (PDF)
What drives movements in the unemployment rate? A decomposition of the Beveridge curve (PDF) | HTML
Internal Migration in the US: Updated Facts and Recent Trends (PDF)