1A Memorandum Items accessible

H.4.1 Factors Affecting Reserve Balances of Depository Institutions and Condition Statement of Federal Reserve Banks [title]: No description

1A. Memorandum Items [title]: No description

Millions of dollars [title]: No description

Item [row]: No description

Averages of daily figures [column]: No description

Week ended - sub-column of Averages of daily figures : No description

Change from week ended - sub-column of Averages of daily figures : No description

Wednesday [column]: No description

Securities held in custody for foreign official and international accounts [row]:

FRBNY, on behalf of the Federal Reserve System, provides correspondent and custodial banking services for central banks, monetary authorities, and certain international organizations to facilitate their official financial operations.

Marketable U.S. Treasury securities - sub-row of Securities held in custody for foreign official and international accounts [row]:

This item indicates the face value of marketable U.S. Treasury securities held in custody for foreign official and international accounts, and includes U.S Treasury STRIPS and inflation compensation on TIPS. This item does not include securities pledged as collateral to foreign official and international account holders against reverse repurchase agreements with the Federal Reserve presented in tables 1, 4, and 5.

Federal agency debt and mortgage-backed securities - sub-row of Securities held in custody for foreign official and international accounts [row]:

This item indicates the face value of federal agency securities and current face value of mortgage-backed securities, which is the remaining principal balance of the underlying mortgages.

Other securities - sub-row of Securities held in custody for foreign official and international accounts [row]:

This item includes non-marketable U.S. Treasury securities, supranationals, corporate bonds, asset-backed securities, and commercial paper at face value.

Securities lent to dealers [row]:

This item indicates the value of securities lent to primary dealers. The loans, which are fully collateralized by other U.S. Treasury securities, are awarded based on competitive bidding in a daily auction. A minimum bid rate is imposed to limit borrowing to securities that are in high demand or "on special."

Overnight facility - sub-row of Securities lent to dealers [row]:

The face value of U.S. Treasury securities and federal agency debt securities lent overnight through the Federal Reserve Bank of New York's securities lending program. This program provides a temporary source of U.S. Treasury securities and federal agency debt securities to foster efficient and liquid trading in the market for these securities.

U.S. Treasury securities - sub-row of Overnight facility - sub-row of Securities lent to dealers [row]: No description

Federal agency debt securities - sub-row of Overnight facility - sub-row of Securities lent to dealers [row]: No description

Last Update: December 27, 2018