3. Supplemental Information on Mortgage-Backed Securities accessible

H.4.1 Factors Affecting Reserve Balances of Depository Institutions and Condition Statement of Federal Reserve Banks [title]: No description

3. Supplemental Information on Mortgage-Backed Securities [title]: No description

Millions of dollars [title]: No description

Account name [column]: No description

Wednesday [column]: No description

Total mortgage-backed securities held outright [row]: The current face value of mortgage-backed obligations held by Federal Reserve Banks. These securities are guaranteed by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, or Ginnie Mae.

Residential mortgage-backed securities [row]: No description

Commercial mortgage-backed securities [row]: No description

Commitments to buy mortgage-backed securities [row]: Current face value. Includes residential and commercial mortgage-backed securities. Residential mortgage-backed securities generally settle within 180 calendar days and include commitments associated with outright transactions, dollar rolls, and coupon swaps. Commercial mortgage-backed securities generally settle within three business days.

Commitments to sell mortgage-backed securities [row]: Current face value. Includes residential and commercial mortgage-backed securities. Residential mortgage-backed securities generally settle within 180 calendar days and include commitments associated with outright transactions, dollar rolls, and coupon swaps. Commercial mortgage-backed securities generally settle within three business days.

Cash and cash equivalents [row]: This amount is included in other Federal Reserve assets in table 1 and in other assets in table 5 and table 6.

Last Update: December 27, 2018