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Figure 1. Growth in CDO and CDS Markets, 2000-11
Trillions of U.S. dollars
Year | Outstanding CDO volume | Outstanding CDS volume |
2000 | 0.228 | ND |
2001 | 0.314 | ND |
2002 | 0.359 | ND |
2003 | 0.421 | ND |
2004 | 0.540 | 6.396 |
2005 | 0.704 | 13.908 |
2006 | 1.072 | 28.650 |
2007 | 1.359 | 58.244 |
2008 | 1.359 | 41.883 |
2009 | 1.248 | 32.693 |
2010 | 1.093 | 29.898 |
2011 | 0.947 | 28.633 |
Note: CDO is collateralized debt obligation; CDS is credit default swap. CDS data start in 2004.
Source: For CDO, Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association; for CDS, Bank for International Settlements.
Figure 2. Complete and Incomplete Networks
See the section "The Economics of Interconnectedness and Systemic Risk" for a detailed description.
Figure 3. Bilateral and Centrally Cleared Networks
See the section "Managing Tradeoffs between Reducing Systemic Risk and Increasing Costs: OTC Derivatives Market Reforms" for a detailed description.
Figure 4. A Network in the Credit Default Swap Market
See the section "Managing Tradeoffs between Reducing Systemic Risk and Increasing Costs: OTC Derivatives Market Reforms" for a detailed description.