Recent Developments in Consumer and Business Payment Choices - Accessible

Figure 1: Number of consumer noncash payments by type, per household, per month, 2015
Type Payments
Debit cards 45.0
Credit cards 19.3
Checks written 7.1
ACH transfers 7.1

Note: ACH is automated clearinghouse. Debit card includes non-prepaid debit, general-purpose prepaid, and private-label prepaid (including electronic benefits transfers). Credit card includes general purpose and private label.

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Figure 2: Changes in the number of consumer noncash payments by type, per household, per month, 2000-15
Type Change
Debit cards 38.4
Credit cards 6.9
Checks written -12.2
ACH transfers 5.1

Note: ACH is automated clearinghouse. Debit card includes non-prepaid debit, general-purpose prepaid, and private-label prepaid (including electronic benefits transfers). Credit card includes general purpose and private label.

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Figure 3: Number of consumer and business noncash payments, by type, 2015


Type Consumer Business
Non-prepaid debit cards 57.4 2.2
GP Credit cards 26.9 4.1
Checks written 10.7 8.7
ACH debit transfers 10.3 1.2
GP Prepaid debit cards 3.6 0.0*
PL Prepaid debit cards 6.2  
PL Credit cards 2.0 0.8
ACH credit transfers 0.3 9.6

*41.2 million.  return to table

Note: PL is private label; GP is general purpose; ACH is automated clearinghouse; PL prepaid card includes electronic benefits transfers. Business PL prepaid debit card transactions are assumed to be zeros for 2015.

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Figure 4: Average value of consumer and business noncash payments, by type, 2015

Average value, Dollars

Type Consumer Business
Non-prepaid debit cards 36 94
GP Credit cards 72 207
Checks written 497 2,526
ACH debit transfers 1,719 31,118
PL Prepaid debit cards 23  
GP Prepaid debit cards 33 82
PL Credit cards 144 87
ACH credit transfers 1,946 9,349

Note: PL is private label; GP is general purpose; ACH is automated clearinghouse; PL prepaid card includes electronic benefits transfers. Business PL prepaid debit card transactions are assumed to be zeros for 2015.

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Figure 5: Changes in the number of consumer and business noncash payments, by type, 2012-15

Number, Billions

Type Consumer Business
Non-prepaid debit cards 11.7 0.7
GP Credit cards 6.0 0.7
Checks written -1.8 -1.3
ACH debit transfers 2.1 0.3
PL Prepaid debit cards 0.1  
GP Prepaid debit cards 0.5 0.0*
PL Credit cards 0.4 -0.1
ACH credit transfers 0.1 1.3

* Decline of 26.2 million.  return to table

Note: PL is private label; GP is general purpose; ACH is automated clearinghouse; PL prepaid card includes electronic benefits transfers. All GP prepaid debit card payments are assumed to have been made by consumers in 2012. Business PL prepaid debit card payments are assumed to be zeros in both 2012 and 2015.

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Figure 6: Number of general-purpose consumer and business cards, with and without purchase activity, by card type, 2012 and 2015

Number, Millions

Card Year With Purchase Activity Without Purchase Activity
Consumer Business Consumer Business
Credit 2012 172.1 15.7 133.2 12.6
2015 260.9 23.2 191.6 35.8
Non-prepaid debit 2012 173.9 8.6 91.4 8.8
2015 209.6 11.9 148.3 14.2
Prepaid debit 2012 29.4   129.7  
2015 59.2   230.8  

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Figure 7: Number of payments per active general-purpose card, per month, by card type, 2012 and 2015
Card Year Consumer Business
Credit 2012 10.1 18.3
2015 8.6 14.9
Non-prepaid debit 2012 21.9 14.7
2015 22.8 15.2
Prepaid debit 2012 8.9  
2015 5.2  

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Figure 8: Number of payments using various alternatives to traditional payment methods, 2012 and 2015
Method 2012 2015
Mobile wallet 0.3 1.3
Online bill payment 3.1 3.2
P2P and money transfer 0.2 0.4
Private-label ACH 0.1 0.2
Online payment authentication 1.8 3.4
Walk-in bill payment 0.3 0.2

Note: P2P is person to person; ACH is automated clearinghouse.

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Last Update: July 28, 2017