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Figure 1. Number of Board EEO complaints filed by fiscal year (FY 2016–20)
Year Annual number of formal complaints
2016 7
2017 6
2018 4
2019 7
2020 5
Note: Horizontal dashed line marked at 5.8 represents the 5-year average number of complaints.
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Figure 2. Total number of Board EEO complaints by basis (FY 2016–20)
Basis Total number of Board EEO complaints (FY 2016-20)
Reprisal 20
Race 16
Age 15
Sex 14
Disability 6
National Origin 5
Color, Religion, Equal Pay Act, or Genetic Information 3
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Figure 3. Total number of Board EEO complaints by issue (FY 2016–20)
Issue Total number of Board EEO complaints (FY 2016-20)
Non-sexual Harassment 15
Promotion/Nonselection 11
Evaluation Appraisal 11
Terms/Conditons of Employment 9
Reasonable Accommodation 5
All Other Issues (e.g., Adverse Action, Discipline, Sexual Harassment) 10
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Figure 4. Percentage of EEO counseling resolutions by fiscal year (FY 2017–20)


Year % Pre-complaints settled
2017 57
2018 73
2019 65
2020 17
Note: Horizontal dashed line marked at 43% represents the (Benchmark) governmentwide 2016 non-ADR settlement rate. Complaint numbers for 2016 include "pre-counseling" EEO contacts resolved without an EEO pre-complaint being filed; accordingly, the 2016 numbers are omitted from trend analysis.
Figure 5. EEO investigation processing time of pending complaints in calendar days by fiscal year (FY 2016–20)
Fiscal Year Annual Average Investigation Processing Time
2016 181
2017 209
2018 184
2019 253
2020* 219
*All FY 2020-filed formal complaints were processed in a timely manner with an average investigation completion period of 127 calendar days.
Note: Horizontal dashed line marked at 180 calendar days represents the (Benchmark) statutory timeframe.
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Last Update: April 01, 2021