Effective June 1, 2023, the Board will no longer offer print versions or subscriptions for the FRRS. The free, online-only service is available at https://www.frrsdigital.com.

The FRRS contains all Board regulations as well as select regulations from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the Department of the Treasury's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network—all arranged by topic for easy reference—with underlying statutes as well as related interpretations, policy statements, rulings, and staff opinions. To enhance its accessibility, the FRRS is updated monthly and has been extensively cross-referenced by means of a subject index, citation indexes, and finding tables.

Key Features

  • Download-ready PDF files. All regulations published in the FRRS are available for download in a PDF Library conveniently located on the central banner menu.
  • Email alerts. News of the latest updates to Board regulations is sent monthly to subscribers of the FRRS email notification service. Sign up for update alerts at www.frrsdigital.com/subscribe.
  • Enhanced navigation. The All Sections left navigation menu features the nine major sections:
    1. Federal Reserve Act and Related Statutes
    2. Monetary Policy and Reserve Requirements
    3. Banks and Banking
    4. Holding and Nonbank Financial Companies
    5. Securities Credit Transactions
    6. Consumer and Community Affairs
    7. Federal Reserve Bank Activities
    8. Procedural and Organizational Rules
    9. Payment System

    Regulations are displayed in alphabetical order within each topical section.
    Alongside the text of each regulation, key supplementary information is featured in the right-hand column, including reference material, staff commentaries, and statutory provisions.

  • Guidance. A topic-based collection of policy statements and assorted supervisory material is organized in a "Guidance" section on the central banner menu.
  • Supervision manuals and forms. Links to resources on such topics as consumer information, payment system, and supervision & regulation are brought together in a "Manuals and Forms" section on the central banner menu for users looking for more information.
  • Mobile friendly. The online platform was developed using responsive design so it's accessible on a variety of devices and screen sizes, including your PC, laptop, tablet, and smartphone.
Last Update: June 01, 2023