Describes general policies and procedures to be used in conducting examinations of the U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banking organizations. Intended to provide a comprehensive overview of banking activities that may be conducted in a wide variety of branches.

Updated periodically to reflect changes in examination policies and procedures

Entire manual (1.8 MB PDF)

Manual by Section

Manual Ordering, Table of Contents (8 KB PDF)

1000 Introduction (15 KB PDF)

2000 General (137 KB PDF)

3000 Risk Management (1.2 MB PDF)
3000-3040 (212 KB PDF)
3050-3090 (228 KB PDF)
3100-3130 (351 KB PDF)
3200-3240 (Asset and Liability Management) (216 KB PDF)
3300-3330 (Off-Balance-Sheet Activities (81 KB PDF)
3400-3430 (Other) (112 KB PDF)

4000 Operational Controls (220 KB PDF)

5000 Compliance (142 KB PDF)

6000 Asset Quality (58 KB PDF)

7000 Appendixes (73 KB PDF)

8000 Subject Index (14 KB PDF)

Last Update: May 17, 2007