Federal Reserve Statistical Release, Z.1,
 Flow of Funds Accounts of the United States; title with eagle logo links to Statistical Release home page

Release Date: March 10, 2016
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F.101 Households and Nonprofit Organizations 1

Billions of dollars; quarterly figures are seasonally adjusted annual rates


Households and nonprofit organizations; personal income 12477.1 13254.5 13915.1 14068.4 14694.2 15341.9 14955.7 15079.8 15277.0 15443.7 15567.1 1
Households and nonprofit organizations; personal current taxes 1239.3 1453.2 1511.4 1672.8 1780.2 1945.1 1838.8 1900.1 1938.7 1957.3 1984.5 2
Households and nonprofit organizations; disposable personal income 11237.9 11801.4 12403.7 12395.6 12913.9 13396.8 13116.8 13179.8 13338.3 13486.4 13582.6 3
Households and nonprofit organizations; total personal outlays 10607.9 11091.2 11457.0 11805.7 12293.7 12714.0 12502.5 12492.2 12674.5 12806.2 12883.1 4
Households and nonprofit organizations; personal saving excluding consumer durables and federal government life insurance reserves and Railroad Retirement Board and National Railroad Retirement Investment Trust pension fund reserves (NIPA) 630.0 710.1 946.7 589.9 620.2 682.8 614.3 687.6 663.9 680.2 699.4 5
Federal government; life insurance and pension fund reserves, adjustment to convert NIPA to FOF savings; liability -3.2 -2.4 -2.5 -2.2 -2.0 -2.2 -1.5 -2.5 -1.3 -2.5 -2.6 6
Households and nonprofit organizations; adjustment to contributions for government social insurance paid for U.S. affiliated areas 4.9 4.4 4.6 5.2 5.1 5.3 5.1 5.2 5.2 5.3 5.3 7
Households and nonprofit organizations; consumer durable goods, current cost basis 86.9 119.0 167.1 181.5 202.2 255.1 212.5 244.2 260.0 259.0 257.4 8
Households and nonprofit organizations; consumption of fixed capital, structures, equipment, and intellectual property products, current cost basis, including consumer durables, current cost basis (FOF basis) 1314.0 1336.5 1367.0 1412.5 1458.1 1465.5 1477.8 1446.3 1455.1 1474.1 1486.5 9
Households and nonprofit organizations; net capital transfers paid -20.6 2.0 -5.1 19.8 9.3 20.7 18.5 19.9 20.7 20.5 21.7 10
Households and nonprofit organizations; gross saving less net capital transfers paid including consumer durables, government insurance and pension fund reserves, and contributions for 2043.3 2156.8 2478.8 2156.7 2264.1 2375.2 2279.5 2350.4 2351.7 2385.0 2413.7 11
Households and nonprofit organizations; gross investment 2332.2 2866.9 2642.7 2734.2 2523.3 2742.2 3151.9 3305.1 2176.4 2652.8 2834.5 12
Households and nonprofit organizations; total capital expenditures including consumer durables 1448.9 1501.3 1627.0 1717.1 1793.4 1897.2 1838.8 1849.1 1889.2 1916.8 1933.7 13
Households and nonprofit organizations; gross fixed investment, consumer durable goods 1005.0 1057.2 1129.5 1166.9 1205.6 1251.1 1227.5 1225.9 1249.0 1261.5 1268.0 14
Households and nonprofit organizations; gross fixed investment, residential equipment and structures (includes farm houses) 318.3 321.1 367.9 424.6 456.6 505.8 478.1 488.9 501.1 512.4 520.9 15
Nonprofit organizations; gross fixed investment, nonresidential structures, equipment, and intellectual property products 134.1 130.8 137.4 133.7 139.7 148.5 141.6 142.5 147.4 151.1 153.1 16
Households and nonprofit organizations; acquisition of nonproduced nonfinancial assets (net) -8.5 -7.8 -7.9 -8.2 -8.4 -8.3 -8.4 -8.3 -8.3 -8.2 -8.3 17
Households and nonprofit organizations; net lending (+) or borrowing (-) (financial account) 883.3 1365.6 1015.7 1017.1 729.9 845.0 1313.0 1456.0 287.2 736.0 900.8 18
Households and nonprofit organizations; total financial assets 783.5 1295.7 1279.3 1252.8 1153.1 1238.8 1615.6 1717.6 888.3 964.2 1385.0 19
Households and nonprofit organizations; private foreign deposits; asset 4.5 -9.9 -7.9 2.3 -6.4 -13.5 -27.7 -6.1 -18.8 -13.6 -15.6 20
Households and nonprofit organizations; checkable deposits and currency; asset 38.9 300.3 177.0 134.2 141.2 59.4 32.4 228.1 160.7 -268.8 117.6 21
Households and nonprofit organizations; total time and savings deposits; asset 162.8 369.3 411.9 209.9 434.3 488.0 778.9 736.5 13.8 724.0 477.7 22
Households and nonprofit organizations; money market mutual fund shares; asset -183.2 -21.1 2.5 28.1 -41.6 -43.2 -199.3 -134.0 79.5 -124.4 6.0 23
Households and nonprofit organizations; debt securities; asset -60.5 -230.1 -212.1 -627.8 -479.1 40.0 -173.7 -422.0 -115.4 595.3 102.2 24
Nonprofit organizations; commercial paper; asset -1.5 -1.8 -0.6 -3.8 -0.1 -1.2 -4.2 1.4 1.7 -5.5 -2.3 25
Households and nonprofit organizations; Treasury securities; asset 316.4 -230.8 195.1 -140.5 -57.0 354.4 483.5 -231.7 261.4 698.2 689.8 26
Households and nonprofit organizations; agency- and GSE-backed securities; asset -3.3 40.3 -50.3 -46.2 -174.7 18.7 -115.5 -41.4 38.3 123.8 -46.0 27
Households and nonprofit organizations; municipal securities; asset 43.5 -65.8 -144.7 -53.3 -67.3 -25.6 -32.7 18.1 -16.9 13.3 -116.8 28
Households and nonprofit organizations; corporate and foreign bonds; asset -415.6 27.9 -211.6 -384.0 -180.0 -306.4 -504.7 -168.5 -399.9 -234.4 -422.6 29
Households and nonprofit organizations; loans; asset 1.6 -5.0 12.6 51.4 51.5 -60.2 -95.0 -0.4 -120.4 -17.5 -102.7 30
Households and nonprofit organizations; other loans and advances; asset 22.9 -1.9 39.5 63.5 51.8 -50.6 -89.0 9.8 -111.3 -6.2 -94.6 31
Households and nonprofit organizations; total mortgages; asset -10.9 0.9 -18.1 -5.8 5.4 -3.2 0.4 -3.5 -2.1 -5.0 -2.4 32
Nonprofit organizations; consumer credit, student loans; asset -10.4 -3.9 -8.8 -6.3 -5.7 -6.4 -6.4 -6.7 -7.1 -6.3 -5.6 33
Households and nonprofit organizations; corporate equities; asset -192.2 -282.2 -214.3 158.2 30.4 -156.7 338.5 227.9 -22.4 -870.4 38.0 34
Households and nonprofit organizations; mutual fund shares; asset 164.6 258.6 471.8 514.3 418.1 370.1 345.4 486.7 363.5 342.9 287.3 35
Households and nonprofit organizations; life insurance reserves; asset 6.2 73.5 -26.6 19.2 45.3 55.3 62.2 77.7 37.3 62.0 44.1 36
Households and nonprofit organizations; pension entitlements; asset 665.1 549.2 580.1 539.5 527.0 437.2 551.1 472.6 463.6 415.2 397.4 37
Households and nonprofit organizations; proprietors' equity in noncorporate business 167.3 231.5 90.3 173.2 24.7 21.8 34.7 19.1 17.5 48.3 2.1 38
Households and nonprofit organizations; total miscellaneous assets 8.3 61.6 -6.1 50.3 7.8 40.7 -31.9 31.4 29.2 71.3 30.8 39
Households and nonprofit organizations; total liabilities -99.7 -69.9 263.6 235.7 423.2 393.8 302.5 261.5 601.2 228.2 484.2 40
Nonprofit organizations; municipal securities; liability -2.2 -7.8 -14.5 -13.1 -4.8 -5.4 -6.0 -0.4 -13.3 -9.9 2.0 41
Households and nonprofit organizations; loans; liability -70.8 -62.9 273.5 244.8 423.6 395.8 307.5 255.9 609.5 238.8 478.9 42
Households and nonprofit organizations; home mortgages; liability -176.0 -73.1 -70.7 -1.8 44.3 136.6 107.2 2.1 235.5 162.1 146.6 43
Households and nonprofit organizations; consumer credit; liability -25.3 108.6 169.4 175.9 218.4 230.9 199.0 184.8 285.8 246.3 206.5 44
Households and nonprofit organizations; depository institution loans n.e.c.; liability 50.1 -54.9 110.8 30.0 120.2 91.7 67.9 119.3 30.9 113.4 103.1 45
Households and nonprofit organizations; other loans and advances; liability 77.6 -37.4 66.1 37.4 33.2 -74.3 -78.3 -59.0 44.6 -294.3 11.5 46
Nonprofit organizations; commercial mortgages; liability 2.8 -6.1 -2.2 3.2 7.5 10.9 11.8 8.6 12.7 11.2 11.2 47
Nonprofit organizations; trade payables; liability -29.4 1.2 4.0 1.0 3.1 1.2 3.0 1.4 1.8 1.0 0.8 48
Life insurance companies, general accounts; deferred and unpaid life insurance premiums; asset 2.7 -0.4 0.6 3.0 1.2 2.2 -2.0 4.6 3.2 -1.6 2.6 49
Households and nonprofit organizations; sector discrepancy -288.9 -710.1 -163.9 -577.4 -259.3 -367.1 -872.4 -954.7 175.3 -267.9 -420.9 50


  1. Sector includes domestic hedge funds, private equity funds, and personal trusts. Supplementary tables (tables F.101.a and L.101.a) show estimates of annual flows and year-end outstandings of nonprofit organizations.
  2. See table F.6 for derivation of alternative measures of personal saving.
  3. Railroad Retirement Board, the National Railroad Retirement Investment Trust, and federal government life insurance reserves.
  4. Table F.5, line 63.
  5. Includes cash accounts at brokers and dealers and syndicated loans to nonfinancial corporate business by nonprofits and domestic hedge funds.
  6. Directly held and those in closed-end and exchange-traded funds. Other equities are included in mutual fund shares (line 35) and life insurance reserves (line 36), and pension entitlements (line 37).
  7. Includes public and private defined benefit and defined contribution pension plans and annuities, including those in IRAs, at life insurance companies. Excludes social security.
  8. Includes loans made under home equity lines of credit and home equity loans secured by junior liens, shown on table F.218, line 24.
  9. Includes loans extended by the Federal Reserve to financial institutions such as domestic hedge funds through the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF), shown on table F.109, line 21.
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Statistical releases