Federal Reserve Statistical Release, Z.1,
 Flow of Funds Accounts of the United States; title with eagle logo links to Statistical Release home page

Release Date: March 10, 2016
Release dates | Announcements | Coded tables | Historical data | Technical Q&As
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F.3 Distribution of National Income 1

Billions of dollars; quarterly figures are seasonally adjusted annual rates


U.S. national income 12739.5 13352.3 14061.9 14458.3 15076.5 15542.6 15358.2 15336.4 15520.3 15615.6 15698.2 1
Households and nonprofit organizations; compensation of employees received 7961.4 8269.0 8609.9 8839.7 9248.9 9655.3 9424.9 9487.9 9615.2 9709.5 9808.7 2
Households and nonprofit organizations; wages and salaries received (IMA) 6377.5 6633.2 6930.3 7114.4 7477.8 7824.4 7632.6 7682.4 7791.8 7870.0 7953.3 3
Households and nonprofit organizations; supplements to wages and salaries 1583.9 1635.9 1679.6 1725.3 1771.2 1831.0 1792.3 1805.5 1823.4 1839.5 1855.4 4
Nonfinancial business; proprietors' income with IVA and CCAdj 1032.7 1143.7 1241.4 1285.1 1346.7 1388.5 1377.9 1369.4 1377.0 1400.1 1407.3 5
Nonfinancial noncorporate business; rental income of persons with CCAdj 402.8 485.3 525.3 563.4 610.8 656.6 628.4 637.0 654.1 663.6 671.8 6
Corporate business; corporate profits before tax including IVA and CCAdj 1746.4 1816.6 1998.2 2037.4 2072.9 2014.4 2135.5 2012.5 2083.0 2049.9 1912.1 7
Corporate business; corporate profits before tax with IVA excluding CCAdj 1799.7 1738.5 2116.6 2164.9 2204.9 2347.4 2266.3 2351.5 2414.2 2382.5 2241.4 8
Corporate business; corporate profits before tax excluding IVA and CCAdj 1840.7 1806.8 2130.8 2161.6 2207.8 2293.1 2212.8 2252.3 2393.7 2326.0 2200.4 9
Nonfinancial corporate business; corporate profits before tax excluding IVA and CCAdj 1039.2 1009.0 1241.4 1323.2 1366.1 1469.9 1365.2 1436.8 1532.4 1485.4 1424.9 10
Domestic financial sectors; corporate profits before tax excluding IVA and CCAdj 406.3 375.9 479.0 423.6 423.4 441.2 424.9 421.9 456.2 458.6 428.0 11
Rest of the world; corporate profits before tax excluding IVA and CCAdj 395.2 421.9 410.3 414.8 418.2 382.1 422.7 393.6 405.1 382.0 347.5 12
Corporate business; taxes on corporate income (accrual basis) 370.6 379.1 447.6 468.9 513.9 539.5 512.3 517.8 549.0 542.2 549.0 13
Nonfinancial corporate business; taxes on corporate income 220.6 228.8 266.7 284.6 316.2 354.3 324.2 341.4 362.3 353.4 360.0 14
Domestic financial sectors; taxes on corporate income 150.0 150.3 180.9 184.3 197.6 185.2 188.1 176.4 186.8 188.8 189.0 15
Corporate business; corporate profits after tax excluding IVA and CCAdj 1470.1 1427.7 1683.2 1692.7 1693.9 1753.6 1700.5 1734.5 1844.6 1783.8 1651.4 16
Corporate business; net dividends paid 564.0 703.7 859.4 924.0 860.0 888.6 872.2 878.5 879.6 905.7 890.6 17
Nonfinancial corporate business; net dividends paid 375.5 441.0 517.9 525.2 573.8 583.7 577.9 588.6 579.7 589.4 577.1 18
Domestic financial sectors; net dividends paid 67.1 107.7 162.2 252.5 150.6 185.6 156.1 204.9 179.3 183.7 174.5 19
Rest of the world; net dividends paid 121.4 154.9 179.3 146.3 135.6 119.3 138.2 85.0 120.6 132.6 139.0 20
Corporate business; undistributed corporate profits excluding IVA and CCAdj 906.2 724.0 823.8 768.7 833.9 865.0 828.3 856.0 965.0 878.2 760.8 21
Nonfinancial corporate business; undistributed corporate profits excluding IVA and CCAdj 443.1 339.1 456.8 513.4 476.1 531.9 463.0 506.8 590.5 542.6 487.8 22
Domestic financial sectors; undistributed corporate profits excluding CCAdj 189.3 117.9 136.0 -13.1 75.2 70.3 80.7 40.6 90.0 86.1 64.5 23
Rest of the world; undistributed corporate profits 273.8 267.0 231.0 268.5 282.6 262.8 284.5 308.6 284.5 249.5 208.5 24
Nonfinancial corporate business; inventory valuation adjustment (IVA) -41.0 -68.3 -14.2 3.2 -2.9 54.3 53.5 99.2 20.5 56.5 41.0 25
Corporate business; capital consumption adjustment (CCADj) -53.3 78.1 -118.5 -127.5 -131.9 -333.0 -130.8 -338.9 -331.3 -332.6 -329.4 26
Nonfinancial corporate business; capital consumption adjustment (CCADj) -15.2 98.3 -77.6 -89.6 -92.1 -271.5 -89.7 -277.5 -270.2 -270.8 -267.6 27
Domestic financial sectors; capital consumption adjustment (CCAdj) -38.1 -20.2 -40.9 -37.9 -39.8 -61.5 -41.1 -61.4 -61.1 -61.7 -61.8 28
National income; net interest and miscellaneous payments 489.4 488.1 527.7 513.5 532.3 525.1 521.9 561.3 506.6 508.3 524.2 29
General government; taxes on production and imports, receivable (IMA) 1057.1 1102.6 1132.1 1178.0 1213.7 1236.7 1227.0 1226.8 1234.1 1238.2 1247.4 30
General government; subsidies paid 55.9 60.1 58.0 59.4 57.9 58.7 57.5 57.6 58.5 59.2 59.4 31
Nonfinancial business; other current transfers paid 128.5 131.5 104.7 119.4 127.3 141.3 118.7 115.6 124.9 121.2 203.5 32
Households and nonprofit organizations; other current transfers received (IMA) 43.0 50.2 42.7 41.2 42.0 43.2 42.1 42.4 42.9 43.4 44.0 33
General government; other current transfers received from business 87.2 89.2 72.6 91.9 94.8 102.3 84.3 80.1 86.3 81.2 161.6 34
Rest of the world; other current transfers received -1.7 -7.9 -10.6 -13.7 -9.5 -4.2 -7.7 -6.8 -4.3 -3.5 -2.1 35
General government; operating surplus, net -22.9 -24.5 -19.3 -18.8 -18.3 -16.5 -18.6 -16.6 -16.1 -16.0 -17.4 36
U.S. national income 12739.5 13352.3 14061.9 14458.3 15076.5 15542.6 15358.2 15336.4 15520.3 15615.6 15698.2 37
Private domestic sectors; consumption of fixed capital, structures, equipment, and intellectual property products, current cost basis 1923.5 1971.1 2038.0 2126.6 2229.9 2299.4 2264.0 2271.9 2284.1 2310.9 2330.9 38
General government; consumption of fixed capital, equipment, software, and structures, current cost basis 458.1 479.6 496.2 506.2 516.8 522.2 520.2 520.8 520.3 521.7 525.9 39
Gross domestic product (GDP); statistical discrepancy (calculated from components) 49.2 -38.3 -203.3 -177.6 -212.0 -211.8 -261.8 -252.3 -180.4 -184.4 -230.1 40
Rest of the world; net income payments to the U.S. 206.0 246.6 237.6 250.4 263.1 214.3 264.7 227.5 230.6 203.6 195.4 41
Gross domestic product (GDP); sum of pieces 14964.4 15517.9 16155.3 16663.2 17348.1 17942.9 17615.9 17649.3 17913.7 18060.2 18148.4 42


  1. This table corresponds to NIPA table 1.12 in the Survey of Current Business, Bureau of Economic Analysis (www.bea.gov).
  2. The relationship of National Income to Gross Domestic Product is shown on NIPA table 1.7.5 in the Survey of Current Business, Bureau of Economic Analysis.
Release dates | Announcements | Coded tables | Historical data | Technical Q&As
Current release | Screen reader | PDF (450 KB) | Data Download Program (DDP)

Statistical releases