Federal Reserve Statistical Release, Z.1,
 Flow of Funds Accounts of the United States; title with eagle logo links to Statistical Release home page

Release Date: March 10, 2016
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L.213 Corporate and Foreign Bonds

Billions of dollars; amounts outstanding end of period, not seasonally adjusted


All sectors; corporate and foreign bonds; liability 10441.1 10501.8 10993.8 11136.3 11594.9 11732.1 11594.9 11744.5 11857.2 11859.6 11732.1 1
Nonfinancial corporate business; corporate bonds; liability 3376.1 3537.7 3861.2 4140.4 4407.1 4807.1 4407.1 4518.9 4672.4 4752.2 4807.1 2
Domestic financial sectors; corporate and foreign bonds; liability 5387.4 5050.5 4939.4 4752.9 4787.6 4653.5 4787.6 4794.6 4773.2 4783.8 4653.5 3
U.S.-chartered depository institutions; corporate and foreign bonds; liability 377.1 379.4 295.9 221.0 209.0 200.6 209.0 194.6 194.5 196.2 200.6 4
Issuers of asset-backed securities; corporate and foreign bonds; liability 2221.2 1971.9 1754.0 1439.2 1372.4 1302.6 1372.4 1374.3 1356.2 1328.2 1302.6 5
Finance companies; corporate and foreign bonds; liability 1077.3 1037.5 955.3 959.5 962.6 952.9 962.6 976.1 949.3 955.3 952.9 6
Real estate investment trusts; corporate and foreign bonds; liability 145.4 152.9 179.4 352.2 401.5 393.1 401.5 403.5 401.0 394.5 393.1 7
Security brokers and dealers; corporate and foreign bonds; liability 129.7 91.8 90.2 112.4 123.9 131.3 123.9 107.4 135.8 135.4 131.3 8
Holding companies; corporate and foreign bonds; liability 982.2 890.6 1103.2 1095.6 1123.2 1051.6 1123.2 1118.8 1136.3 1165.5 1051.6 9
Funding corporations; corporate and foreign bonds where the proceeds are down-streamed to broker-dealer subsidiaries by investment banks that are holding-company parents; liability 454.6 526.2 561.5 572.9 595.1 621.4 595.1 620.0 600.1 608.9 621.4 10
Rest of the world; bonds; liability 1677.6 1913.6 2193.1 2242.9 2400.2 2271.5 2400.2 2431.0 2411.6 2323.6 2271.5 11
All sectors; corporate and foreign bonds; liability 10441.1 10501.8 10993.8 11136.3 11594.9 11732.1 11594.9 11744.5 11857.2 11859.6 11732.1 12
Households and nonprofit organizations; corporate and foreign bonds; asset 1478.8 1409.1 1256.0 852.3 715.5 295.8 715.5 657.7 594.2 534.2 295.8 13
Federal government; corporate bonds issued by commercial banking under TARP; asset 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 14
State and local governments, excluding employee retirement funds; corporate and foreign bonds; asset 165.5 163.3 165.4 164.5 169.3 183.4 169.3 172.9 175.9 179.3 183.4 15
U.S.-chartered depository institutions, including IBFs; corporate and foreign bonds; asset 550.5 553.0 544.0 559.2 521.7 509.5 521.7 522.4 516.5 505.8 509.5 16
U.S.-chartered depository institutions; private MBS and CMOs; asset 174.9 150.1 149.1 147.7 139.1 127.2 139.1 137.8 135.0 131.1 127.2 17
U.S.-chartered depository institutions, including IBFs; corporate and foreign bonds, excluding private MBS and CMOs; asset 375.6 402.9 394.9 411.4 382.6 382.3 382.6 384.7 381.5 374.8 382.3 18
Foreign banking offices in the U.S., including IBFs; corporate and foreign bonds; asset 238.2 236.7 230.5 196.4 197.3 172.4 197.3 190.8 172.8 187.2 172.4 19
Banks in U.S.-affiliated areas; corporate and foreign bonds; asset 0.6 4.2 5.2 5.8 5.3 5.6 5.3 5.4 5.3 5.2 5.6 20
Credit unions; corporate and foreign bonds; asset 6.6 6.3 6.7 8.9 9.9 10.8 9.9 11.1 10.9 10.7 10.8 21
Credit unions; mortgage-backed securities and other asset-backed bonds; asset 6.1 5.9 6.6 8.7 9.7 10.6 9.7 11.0 10.6 10.5 10.6 22
Credit unions; corporate and foreign bonds, excluding mortgage-backed securities and other asset-backed bonds; asset 0.5 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 23
Property-casualty insurance companies; corporate and foreign bonds; asset 322.6 363.1 382.7 410.8 427.7 430.7 427.7 425.8 427.7 429.0 430.7 24
Property-casualty insurance companies; mortgage-backed securities and other asset-backed bonds; asset 0.0 71.3 74.5 82.7 92.0 92.3 92.0 91.4 91.9 92.0 92.3 25
Property-casualty insurance companies; corporate and foreign bonds, excluding mortgage-backed securities and other asset-backed bonds; asset 322.6 291.8 308.2 328.0 335.7 338.5 335.7 334.4 335.8 337.0 338.5 26
Life insurance companies; corporate and foreign bonds; asset 2030.2 2117.3 2162.2 2223.0 2292.3 2355.2 2292.3 2306.8 2321.9 2340.3 2355.2 27
Life insurance companies, general accounts; mortgage-backed securities and other asset-backed bonds; asset 0.0 434.9 410.6 419.7 435.5 443.4 435.5 437.0 438.0 441.6 443.4 28
Life insurance companies; corporate and foreign bonds, excluding mortgage-backed securities and other asset-backed bonds; asset 2030.2 1682.3 1751.6 1803.3 1856.8 1911.7 1856.8 1869.8 1883.9 1898.7 1911.7 29
Private pension funds; corporate and foreign bonds; asset 438.3 482.9 566.5 659.0 679.8 711.3 679.8 688.9 690.0 700.1 711.3 30
Federal government retirement funds; corporate and foreign bonds; asset 5.9 7.3 9.0 7.7 7.7 7.5 7.7 7.7 7.8 7.5 7.5 31
State and local government employee defined benefit retirement funds; domestic corporate bonds; asset 383.8 407.0 422.5 490.7 545.5 559.7 545.5 560.2 561.5 550.3 559.7 32
Money market mutual funds; corporate and foreign bonds; asset 154.2 105.1 102.1 102.0 78.3 63.4 78.3 67.5 67.3 76.1 63.4 33
Mutual funds; corporate and foreign bonds; asset 1243.0 1413.4 1719.4 1998.7 2317.5 2592.4 2317.5 2407.2 2519.4 2563.1 2592.4 34
Closed-end funds; corporate and foreign bonds; asset 59.7 57.3 64.8 79.4 75.3 71.5 75.3 75.2 77.2 73.3 71.5 35
Exchange-traded funds; corporate and foreign bonds; asset 74.1 107.7 155.3 174.8 209.6 246.5 209.6 224.4 225.2 231.6 246.5 36
Government-sponsored enterprises; corporate and foreign bonds; asset 266.5 235.7 185.7 126.3 95.4 64.9 95.4 85.8 77.5 69.8 64.9 37
Government-sponsored enterprises; mortgage-backed securities and other asset-backed bonds; asset 241.6 209.5 178.3 119.4 89.3 59.5 89.3 79.8 71.7 64.2 59.5 38
Government-sponsored enterprises; corporate and foreign bonds, excluding mortgage-backed securities and other asset-backed bonds; asset 24.8 26.2 7.4 6.8 6.2 5.4 6.2 6.0 5.8 5.6 5.4 39
Finance companies; corporate and foreign bonds; asset 84.1 85.0 78.7 67.9 73.9 79.6 73.9 76.1 79.6 78.3 79.6 40
Real estate investment trusts; corporate and foreign bonds; asset 23.2 27.0 36.5 36.3 39.7 47.4 39.7 45.4 47.4 45.9 47.4 41
Security brokers and dealers; corporate and foreign bonds; asset 189.5 104.5 140.0 128.9 115.5 92.1 115.5 114.5 111.2 96.4 92.1 42
Holding companies; corporate and foreign bonds; asset 38.3 18.3 72.7 31.5 34.1 21.5 34.1 29.2 32.4 32.1 21.5 43
Funding corporations; corporate and foreign bonds, including financial stabilization programs; asset 163.4 105.8 69.6 78.4 83.1 94.2 83.1 86.6 81.4 85.8 94.2 44
Rest of the world; corporate and foreign bonds; asset 2523.1 2491.0 2617.6 2733.1 2899.7 3116.3 2899.7 2982.3 3053.9 3057.1 3116.3 45
Rest of the world; U.S. mortgage-backed securities and other U.S. asset-backed bonds; asset 441.4 415.5 403.9 395.8 401.5 407.2 401.5 406.2 415.2 414.5 407.2 46
Rest of the world: U.S. corporate bonds, excluding mortgage-backed securities and other asset-backed bonds; asset 2081.7 2075.6 2213.6 2337.3 2498.2 2709.0 2498.2 2576.1 2638.6 2642.6 2709.0 47


  1. Liabilities net of assets.
  2. Holdings of foreign issues by U.S. residents.
  3. For some sectors, holdings of MBS and other ABS are shown separately. MBS and other ABS include privately issued mortgage-backed securities and other privately issued asset-backed bonds.
  4. Holdings of U.S. issues by foreign residents.
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Statistical releases