Federal Reserve Statistical Release, Z.1,
 Flow of Funds Accounts of the United States; title with eagle logo links to Statistical Release home page

Release Date: March 10, 2016
Release dates | Announcements | Coded tables | Historical data | Technical Q&As
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L.227 Pension Entitlements

Billions of dollars; amounts outstanding end of period, not seasonally adjusted


Households and nonprofit organizations; pension entitlements; asset 16887.3 17313.8 18353.1 19812.5 20620.6 20971.9 20620.6 20832.6 20935.9 20614.0 20971.9 1
Life insurance companies; pension entitlements, excluding unallocated insurance contracts; liability 2207.5 2258.6 2446.8 2726.5 2847.4 2874.6 2847.4 2874.8 2875.7 2794.9 2874.6 2
Private pension funds; total liabilities 6635.9 6749.9 7276.2 8097.6 8503.3 8553.5 8503.3 8605.5 8638.6 8376.1 8553.5 3
Federal government retirement funds; total financial assets 3156.4 3261.1 3378.6 3533.0 3651.9 3757.5 3651.9 3683.3 3708.9 3715.5 3757.5 4
State and local government employee retirement funds; pension entitlements (total liabilities) 4887.5 5044.2 5251.5 5455.5 5618.0 5786.3 5618.0 5669.0 5712.7 5727.6 5786.3 5
Households and nonprofit organizations; pension entitlements; asset 16887.3 17313.8 18353.1 19812.5 20620.6 20971.9 20620.6 20832.6 20935.9 20614.0 20971.9 6
All sectors; IRAs; liability 5029.0 5241.0 5907.0 6966.0 7443.0 ND 7443.0 7600.0 7629.0 7266.0 ND 7
U.S.-chartered depository institutions; IRAs and Keoghs; liability 383.3 403.6 428.0 427.6 427.8 ND 427.8 419.2 428.0 442.3 ND 8
Credit unions; IRAs; liability 77.2 78.4 79.9 79.2 77.6 ND 77.6 77.4 77.3 77.4 ND 9
Life insurance companies; IRAs; liability 454.0 470.0 505.0 538.0 566.0 ND 566.0 571.0 570.0 553.0 ND 10
Money market mutual funds; IRAs; liability 202.0 211.0 216.0 230.0 219.0 ND 219.0 213.0 214.0 223.0 ND 11
Mutual funds; IRAs; liability 2105.0 2077.0 2395.0 2922.0 3132.0 ND 3132.0 3223.0 3233.0 3011.0 ND 12
Households and nonprofit organizations; IRAs; liability 1807.5 2000.9 2283.1 2769.2 3020.6 ND 3020.6 3096.4 3106.6 2959.3 ND 13


  1. Annuities, including those in IRAs.
  2. Includes unallocated insurance company contracts beginning 1985:Q4.
  3. Includes the Thrift Savings Plan, the National Railroad Retirement Investment Trust, and other federal government retirement funds.
  4. Excludes all individual retirement accounts (IRAs), except those at life insurance companies.
  5. Assets of the household sector (L.101). Figures for depositories (lines 8 and 9) include Keogh accounts. Variable annuities in IRAs are included in the life insurance sector (line 10) and excluded from the money market mutual fund and mutual fund sectors (lines 11 and 12).
Release dates | Announcements | Coded tables | Historical data | Technical Q&As
Current release | Screen reader | PDF (450 KB) | Data Download Program (DDP)

Statistical releases