Federal Reserve Statistical Release, Z.1,
 Flow of Funds Accounts of the United States; title with eagle logo links to Statistical Release home page

Release Date: March 10, 2016
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S.1.a Total Economy - Current Account

Billions of dollars

Description 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
All sectors; gross value added (IMA) 13129.2 14073.2 14460.1 14619.2 14343.4 14915.2 15556.3 16358.5 16840.8 17560.1 1
All domestic sectors; consumption of fixed capital, equipment, software, and structures, current cost basis (IMA) 1982.0 2136.0 2264.4 2363.4 2368.4 2381.6 2450.6 2534.2 2632.8 2746.7 2
All sectors; net value added (IMA) 11147.2 11937.2 12195.8 12255.8 11975.0 12533.6 13105.6 13824.3 14208.0 14813.4 3
All sectors; compensation of employees paid (IMA) 7097.9 7513.7 7908.8 8090.0 7795.7 7969.5 8277.1 8618.5 8848.7 9258.4 4
All sectors; wages and salaries paid (IMA) 5703.1 6068.8 6405.7 6543.6 6260.1 6385.6 6641.2 6938.9 7123.5 7487.2 5
All sectors; employers' social contributions paid (IMA) 1394.8 1444.9 1503.1 1546.4 1535.6 1583.9 1635.9 1679.6 1725.3 1771.2 6
All sectors; taxes on production and imports less subsidies, payable (IMA) 873.6 940.5 980.0 989.4 967.8 1001.2 1042.6 1074.0 1118.6 1155.8 7
All sectors; operating surplus, net (IMA) 3175.7 3483.0 3307.0 3176.5 3211.6 3562.8 3785.9 4131.7 4240.6 4399.2 8
Rest of the world; income payments to the U.S. (IMA) 575.8 724.2 875.7 856.9 648.9 720.0 792.6 801.5 826.2 854.3 9
Rest of the world; income receipts from the U.S. (IMA) 483.2 656.6 750.1 684.9 497.8 514.1 546.0 563.9 575.8 591.2 10
All sectors; net national income/balance of primary incomes, net (IMA) 11239.8 12004.8 12321.4 12427.8 12126.1 12739.5 13352.3 14061.9 14458.3 15076.5 11
All sectors; operating surplus, net (IMA) 3175.7 3483.0 3307.0 3176.5 3211.6 3562.8 3785.9 4131.7 4240.6 4399.2 12
Households and nonprofit organizations; compensation of employees received 7086.8 7502.3 7898.3 8078.3 7787.0 7961.4 8269.0 8609.9 8839.7 9248.9 13
Households and nonprofit organizations; wages and salaries received (IMA) 5692.0 6057.4 6395.2 6531.9 6251.4 6377.5 6633.2 6930.3 7114.4 7477.8 14
Households and nonprofit organizations; supplements to wages and salaries 1394.8 1444.9 1503.1 1546.4 1535.6 1583.9 1635.9 1679.6 1725.3 1771.2 15
All sectors; taxes on production and imports, receivable (IMA) 934.5 991.9 1034.6 1041.9 1026.1 1057.1 1102.6 1132.1 1178.0 1213.7 16
General government; subsidies paid (with negative sign) (IMA) -60.9 -51.5 -54.6 -52.6 -58.3 -55.9 -60.1 -58.0 -59.4 -57.9 17
All sectors; property income (received) (IMA) 5624.9 6618.0 7291.8 6916.9 5815.3 5752.9 6011.3 6248.7 6324.1 6436.2 18
All sectors; interest received (IMA) 3420.9 4150.9 4706.7 4234.7 3464.1 3230.4 3233.2 3179.8 3054.8 3072.0 19
All sectors; distributed income of corporations, received (IMA) 2164.3 2199.1 2300.9 2390.7 2072.0 2166.7 2410.7 2727.7 2894.3 2958.7 20
All sectors; dividends received (IMA) 1109.8 1067.3 1234.4 1255.5 989.3 1007.3 1118.0 1326.0 1449.3 1444.4 21
Households and nonprofit organizations; withdrawals from income of quasi-corporations, received (IMA) 1054.5 1131.8 1066.6 1135.2 1082.6 1159.4 1292.8 1401.7 1445.0 1514.3 22
All sectors; reinvested earnings on U.S. direct investment abroad; received (IMA) 20.4 247.8 261.4 265.6 260.9 336.6 345.7 318.7 353.3 381.7 23
All sectors; rents on land and natural resources received (IMA) 19.4 20.3 22.6 25.9 18.3 19.2 21.7 22.5 21.7 23.8 24
All sectors; uses of property income (paid) (IMA) 5521.3 6539.1 7155.7 6733.1 5655.5 5538.8 5756.6 6002.5 6064.7 6163.6 25
All sectors; interest paid (IMA) 3556.3 4328.1 4924.0 4457.7 3661.6 3411.5 3400.4 3343.9 3210.1 3217.7 26
All sectors; distributed income of corporations, paid (IMA) 1903.4 2121.2 2160.5 2210.1 1953.9 2045.3 2255.8 2548.4 2748.0 2823.0 27
All sectors; dividends paid (IMA) 848.9 989.4 1093.9 1075.0 871.2 885.9 963.1 1146.7 1303.0 1308.8 28
All sectors; withdrawals from income of quasi-corporations, paid (IMA) 1054.5 1131.8 1066.6 1135.2 1082.6 1159.4 1292.8 1401.7 1445.0 1514.3 29
All sectors; reinvested earnings on foreign direct investment in U.S.; paid (IMA) 42.1 69.5 48.5 39.4 21.9 62.8 78.7 87.6 84.9 99.1 30
All sectors; rents on land and natural resources paid (IMA) 19.4 20.3 22.6 25.9 18.3 19.2 21.7 22.5 21.7 23.8 31
All sectors; net national income/balance of primary incomes, net (IMA) 11239.8 12004.8 12321.4 12427.8 12126.1 12739.5 13352.3 14061.9 14458.3 15076.5 32
All sectors; current taxes on income, wealth, etc. received (IMA) 1621.3 1825.9 1929.2 1807.7 1413.1 1601.3 1819.5 1945.2 2126.8 2278.2 33
All sectors; current taxes on income, wealth, etc. paid (IMA) 1625.6 1830.4 1938.7 1816.9 1421.7 1609.8 1832.3 1959.0 2141.7 2294.1 34
All sectors; social benefits received (IMA) 2369.0 2520.3 2663.6 2913.0 3078.2 3270.8 3232.4 3279.8 3497.4 3651.2 35
All sectors; social contributions paid (IMA) 2375.6 2528.1 2672.2 2923.7 3089.3 3282.4 3245.1 3293.1 3511.1 3665.6 36
All sectors; other current transfers received (IMA) 494.8 498.3 533.6 564.1 672.0 723.0 699.4 656.8 683.5 744.1 37
All sectors; other current transfers paid (IMA) 592.9 584.7 640.6 684.9 789.8 842.2 822.1 769.7 792.6 848.0 38
All sectors; disposable income, net (IMA) 11130.8 11905.9 12196.2 12287.2 11988.6 12600.3 13204.1 13921.8 14320.6 14942.3 39
All sectors; consumption expenditures (IMA) 10774.2 11393.8 11960.2 12382.2 12289.0 12724.4 13220.2 13594.8 13914.3 14422.2 40
All sectors; net saving including net capital transfers paid (IMA) 356.6 512.1 236.0 -95.0 -300.4 -124.1 -16.1 327.0 406.4 520.1 41
All sectors; gross value added (IMA) 13129.2 14073.2 14460.1 14619.2 14343.4 14915.2 15556.3 16358.5 16840.8 17560.1 42
Gross domestic product (GDP); statistical discrepancy (calculated from components) (IMA) -35.5 -217.3 17.5 99.4 75.3 49.2 -38.3 -203.3 -177.6 -212.0 43
Gross domestic product (GDP); sum of pieces 13093.7 13855.9 14477.6 14718.6 14418.7 14964.4 15517.9 16155.3 16663.2 17348.1 44
Average of GDP and GDI 13111.5 13964.5 14468.9 14668.9 14381.1 14939.8 15537.1 16256.9 16752.0 17454.1 45
Gross domestic product (GDP); statistical discrepancy as a percentage of GDP -0.3 -1.6 0.1 0.7 0.5 0.3 -0.2 -1.3 -1.1 -1.2 46

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Statistical releases