Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Newspaper Notice

Change in Control

Bank Holding Company Formation/Expansion

State Member Bank Merger

State Member Bank Purchase/Assumption

State Member Bank Domestic Branch

Notice of Change in Control of a State Member Bank or Bank Holding Company

(Name, city and state of each notificant) intends to apply to the Federal Reserve Board for permission to (acquire/retain) (10 percent or more/25 percent or more) of the shares and thereby control of (name of bank or bank holding company and location of head office). ((Banking holding company) controls (name and head office locations of subsidiary banks).) The Federal Reserve considers a number of factors in deciding whether to approve the notice.

You are invited to submit comments in writing on this notice to Colette A. Fried, Assistant Vice President Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, 230 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, IL 60604. The comment period will not end before (insert date-must be no less than 20 days from date of notice) and may be somewhat longer. The Board's procedures for processing applications may be found at 12 C.F.R. Part 262.25. To obtain a copy of the Federal Reserve Board's procedures, or if you need more information about how to submit your comments on the notice, contact Suchi Saxena, Community Affairs Officer and Vice President, Community Development, at (312) 322-4357; to request a copy of the notice, contact Colette A. Fried at (312) 322-6846. The Federal Reserve will consider your comments and any request for a public meeting or formal hearing on the notice if they are received in writing by the Reserve Bank on or before the last day of the comment period.


Acquiring parties must publish an announcement of their proposed acquisition in the above prescribed form. The announcement may be published no earlier than 15 calendar days prior to the date the Reserve Bank receives the change in control notification and no later than 10 calendar days after the filing date. For a change in control of a bank holding company, the announcement must be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the community in which the head office of the company to be acquired is located, plus each community in which the head office of a bank subsidiary is located. For a change in control of a state member bank, the announcement must be published in the community in which the head office of the bank is located. The announcement need be published only once in each newspaper, providing a period for public comment extending at least 20 days after the publication date. A publisher's affidavit from each newspaper should be forwarded with the change in control notice or as soon thereafter as possible.

The Federal Reserve must also publish an announcement of the proposed acquisition in the Federal Register, allowing for a 15-day comment period. Acquirers may submit a request, including the specific information shown above, to the Reserve Bank to arrange for this publication no earlier than 15 calendar days prior to the date the change in control notification is filed. Otherwise, the Reserve Bank will arrange for the publication upon receipt of the filing.

Notice of Application/Notice for (Formation of Bank Holding Company) or (Acquisition of a Bank by a Bank Holding Company) or (Merger of Bank Holding Companies)1 

(Name and location of head office) intends to apply to the Federal Reserve Board for permission to (form a bank holding company with respect to) (acquire a bank,) (acquire/merge with another bank holding company,) (name and location of head office). We intend to acquire control of (name of bank (and thrift, if any) and location of head office). The Federal Reserve considers a number of factors in deciding whether to approve the application/notice including the record of performance of banks we own in helping to meet local credit needs.

You are invited to submit comments in writing on this application/notice to Colette A. Fried, Assistant Vice President Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, 230 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, IL 60604. The comment period will not end before (date must be no less than 30 days from date of notice) and may be somewhat longer. The Board's procedures for processing applications/notices may be found at 12 C.F.R. Part 262. Procedures for processing protested applications/notices may be found at 12 C.F.R. 262.25. To obtain a copy of the Federal Reserve Board's procedures, or if you need more information about how to submit your comments on the application/notice, contact Suchi Saxena, Community Affairs Officer and Vice President, Community Development, at (312) 322-4357; to request a copy of an application, contact Colette A. Fried at (312) 322-6846. The Federal Reserve will consider your comments and any request for a public meeting or formal hearing on the application/notice if they are received in writing by the Reserve Bank on or before the last day of the comment period.


The applicant must publish notice of its proposal in the above prescribed form in newspapers of general circulation in the communities served by the head office of the applicant or its lead bank, and each bank to be directly or indirectly acquired. The notice must be published no earlier than 15 calendar days prior to the date the Reserve Bank receives the application and no later than 7 calendar days after the filing date. The notice appearing in a particular newspaper need be published only once, providing a period for public comment extending at least 30 days after the date of publication. A publisher's affidavit from each newspaper should be forwarded with the formal application or as soon as possible thereafter. An application cannot be considered informationally complete without the necessary affidavits.

The Federal Reserve must also publish notice of bank holding company proposals in the Federal Register, allowing for up to a 30-day comment period.2 Applicants may submit a request, including the specific information shown above, to the Reserve Bank to arrange for this publication no earlier than 15 calendar days prior to the date the application is filed. Otherwise, the Reserve Bank will arrange for the publication upon receipt of the filing.

1. No publication is required for bank holding company formation notifications filed under section 225.17 of Regulation Y, involving corporate reorganizations. Return to text.

2. Although they are not published in local newspapers, certain proposals to engage in nonbank activities must be published in the Federal Register. This requirement is limited to non-expedited applications for nonbank activities. Return to text.

Notice of Application for Merger of Banks

(Applicant's name and location of head office) intends to apply to the Federal Reserve Board for permission to merge with (target depository institution's name and location of head office) [and establish branches at the locations of,] (target depository institution's name and location of head office). The Federal Reserve considers a number of factors in deciding whether to approve the application, including the record of performance of applicant banks in helping to meet local credit needs.

You are invited to submit comments in writing on this application to Colette A. Fried, Assistant Vice President Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, 230 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, IL 60604. The comment period will not end before (date - must be no less than 30 days from date of first notice). The Board's procedures for processing applications may be found at 12 C.F.R. Part 262. Procedures for processing protested applications may be found at 12 C.F.R. 262.25. To obtain a copy of the Federal Reserve Board's procedures, or if you need more information about how to submit your comments on the application, contact Suchi Saxena, Community Affairs Officer and Vice President, Community Development, at (312) 322-4357; to request a copy of an application, contact Colette A. Fried at (312) 322-6846. The Federal Reserve will consider your comments and any request for a public meeting or formal hearing on the application if they are received in writing by the Reserve Bank on or before the last day of the comment period.


The applicant must publish notice of its proposal in the above prescribed form in newspapers of general circulation in the communities served by the head offices of the merging banks. The notice must be published on at least three occassions at appropriate intervals. The last publication of the notice shall appear at least thirty days after the first publication.

If the applicant proposes to retain any domestic branches of the target depository institution in connection with a proposal under section 18(c), then at least one of the notices must also satisfy the requirements under the Board's Regulation H (12 CFR 208.6) relating to the establishment of domestic branches by a state member bank, as set forth in the bracketed language above. The application should be submitted to the Reserve Bank within 7 calendar days after the first publication. The applicant is not required to publish in every community where a branch might operate as a result of the transaction. In addition, the applicant is not required to publish the number or location of any branches that may be established in connection with a proposal under section (18)(c).

A publisher's affidavit from each newspaper should be forwarded with the formal application or as soon as possible thereafter.

Notice of Application for Purchase of Assets and Assumption of Liabilities of a Bank

(Applicant's name and location of head office) intends to apply to the Federal Reserve Board for permission to purchase the assets and/or assume the liabilities of (target depository institution's name and location of head office) [and establish branches at the locations of,] (target depository institution's name and location of head office). The Federal Reserve considers a number of factors in deciding whether to approve the application, including the record of performance of applicant banks in helping to meet local credit needs.

You are invited to submit comments in writing on this application to Colette A. Fried, Assistant Vice President Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, 230 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, IL 60604. The comment period will not end before (date - must be no less than 30 days from date of first notice). The Board's procedures for processing applications may be found at 12 C.F.R. Part 262. Procedures for processing protested applications may be found at 12 C.F.R. 262.25. To obtain a copy of the Federal Reserve Board's procedures, or if you need more information about how to submit your comments on the application, contact Suchi Saxena, Community Affairs Officer and Vice President, Community Development, at (312) 322-4357; to request a copy of an application, contact Colette A. Fried at (312) 322-6846. The Federal Reserve will consider your comments and any request for a public meeting or formal hearing on the application if they are received in writing by the Reserve Bank on or before the last day of the comment period.


The applicant must publish notice of its proposal in the above prescribed form in newspapers of general circulation in the communities served by the head offices of the merging banks. The notice must be published on at least three occassions at appropriate intervals. The last publication of the notice shall appear at least thirty days after the first publication.

If the applicant proposes to retain any domestic branches of the target depository institution in connection with a proposal under section 18(c), then at least one of the notices must also satisfy the requirements under the Board's Regulation H (12 CFR 208.6) relating to the establishment of domestic branches by a state member bank, as set forth in the bracketed language above. The application should be submitted to the Reserve Bank within 7 calendar days after the first publication. The applicant is not required to publish in every community where a branch might operate as a result of the transaction. In addition, the applicant is not required to publish the number or location of any branches that may be established in connection with a proposal under section (18(c).

A publisher's affidavit from each newspaper should be forwarded with the formal application or as soon as possible thereafter.

Notice of Application to Establish a Branch of a State Member Bank

(Name and location of head office) intends to apply to the Federal Reserve Board for permission to establish a branch at (location). The Federal Reserve considers a number of factors in deciding whether to approve the application including the record of performance of applicant banks in helping to meet local credit needs.

You are invited to submit comments in writing on this application to Colette A. Fried, Assistant Vice President Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, 230 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, IL 60604. The comment period will not end before (date-must be no less than 15 days from date of notice). The Board's procedures for processing applications may be found at 12 C.F.R. Part 262. Procedures for processing protested applications may be found at 12 C.F.R. 262.25. If you need information about how to submit your comments or to obtain a copy of the relevant procedures, contact Suchi Saxena, Community Affairs Officer and Vice President, Community Development, at (312) 322-4357; to request a copy of an application, contact Colette A. Fried at (312) 322-6846. The Federal Reserve will consider your comments and any request for a public meeting or formal hearing on the application if they are received in writing by the Reserve Bank on or before the last day of the comment period.


The applicant must publish notice of its proposal in the above prescribed form in newspapers of general circulation in the communities served by the head office of the bank and the branch office to be established. The notice need be published only once, providing a period for public comment extending at least 15 days after the date of publication. The notice must be published no more than 7 calendar days before and no later than the calendar day on which the Reserve Bank receives the application.

A publisher's affidavit from each newspaper should be forwarded with the formal application or as soon as possible thereafter. An application cannot be considered informationally complete without the necessary affidavits.

If the establishment of a branch is part of a bank merger or purchase of assets/assumption of liabilities transaction, the applicant should follow the instructions for Notice of Application for (Merger of Banks) or (Purchase of Assets and Assumption of Liabilities of a Bank. The applicant is not required to publish in each community where a branch would be located.

Last Update: December 03, 2024