Public Meeting Regarding Notice by Capital One to Acquire ING Bank

Public meeting held on Tuesday, September 20, 2011 at the Renaissance Hotel, 999 Ninth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C., beginning at 8:30 a.m.

As previously announced, additional meetings will be held in Chicago on Tuesday, September 27, 2011, beginning at 8:30 a.m. CDT, at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, and in San Francisco on Wednesday, October 5, 2011, beginning at 8:30 a.m. PDT, at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.

Materials and Public Comments
Transcript (PDF)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011
8:30 a.m. Welcome and Opening Remarks Sandra Braunstein, Director, Division of Consumer and Community Affairs, Federal Reserve Board
Robin Prager, Deputy Associate Director, Division of Research and Statistics, Federal Reserve Board
Alison Thro, Assistant General Counsel, Legal Division, Federal Reserve Board
Joan Garton, Vice President, Supervision, Regulation and Credit Department, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Keith Goodwin, Senior Attorney, Legal Department, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond 
8:40 a.m. Applicant Presentation John G. Finneran, Jr., Head of Corporate Reputation and Governance, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, Capital One Financial Corporation
Dorothy Broadman, MVP, Community Development Banking, Capital One Financial Corporation
Kristine Wellman, General Counsel, ING Direct USA
9:10 a.m. Panel One Christopher Cole, Senior Vice President and Senior Regulatory Counsel, Independent Community Bankers of America
Albert Pina, Chair, Florida Minority Community Reinvestment Coalition
John Taylor, President and CEO, National Community Reinvestment Coalition
9:40 a.m. Panel Two Neil Boss, Director of Risk Management, ACCION USA
David Bowers, Vice President, Enterprise Community Partners
Kevin Kelly, Managing Director, ECDC Enterprise Development Group
Katherine Lucas-Smith, Policy Analyst, Corporation for Enterprise Development
Jill Norcross, Executive Director, Housing Association of Nonprofit Developers
Janice Sneed, Vice Chancellor, Southern University at Shreveport, Louisiana
10:10 a.m. Panel Three Stella Adams, Housing Committee Chairperson, NAACP, North Carolina Branch
Reverend Jim Dickerson, Founder and Board Chair, Manna, Inc.
Kenneth W. Edwards, Policy Counsel, Center for Responsible Lending
Alexis Iwanisziw, Senior Program Associate, Neighborhood Economic Development Advocacy
Moises Loza, Executive Director, Housing Assistance Council
Sarah Ludwig, Co-Director, Neighborhood Economic Development Advocacy Project
10:45 a.m. Panel Four Alan Gordon, Deputy Director, Housing Action Council
Nina Janopaul, President and CEO, Arlington Partnership for Affordable Housing
Catherine Meloy, President and CEO, Goodwill of Greater Washington
Jewell Mikula, Executive Director, Shelter House, Inc.
T.K. Somanath, President and CEO, Better Housing Coalition
John Welsh, Director, Multifamily Division, AHC Inc.
11:15 a.m. Break  
11:30 a.m. Panel Five David Benitez, Research Analyst, Pittsburgh Community Reinvestment Group
James Hunt, Executive Director, Sunnyside-Up Campus Neighborhoods Revitalization Corp.
Lee Porter, Executive Director, Fair Housing Council of North New Jersey
Rashmi Rangan, Executive Director, Delaware Community Reinvestment Action Council
Tova Solo, Member, Maywood Community Association
12:00 p.m. Panel Six Artie Harris, Director of Real Estate and Neighborhood Development, Montgomery Housing
Manny Hidalgo, Executive Director, Latino Economic Development Corporation
Michelle Krocker, Executive Director, Northern Virginia Affordable Housing Alliance
Nury Marquez, Executive Director, Hispanic Committee of Virginia
Michelle Neugebauer, Executive Director, Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation
Michael Pitchford, President and CEO, Community Preservation and Development Corporation
12:35 p.m. Panel Seven Lee Beaulac, Senior Vice President, Community and Economic Development, PathStone
Lena Bell, President, Preeminent Protective Services
Justin Feldman
Charles Harris, Executive Director, Housing Education and Economic Development
Mia Martinez, Deputy Director, National Asian American Coalition
Charles Perry, Chairman and Executive Director, PERICO Institute for Youth Development and
1:05 p.m. Lunch  
2:00 p.m. Panel Eight Kenneth Ampy, CEO, Astrya
Kenneth Clark, President and CEO, MD/DC Minority Supplier Development Council
Charlotte Ducksworth, Director, Prince George’s County Small Business Initiative and
Technology Assistance
Malcolm Gibson, Owner, Professional Funeral Services, Getting Down to Business--Capital One
Samuel Young, President, Astrya
2:30 p.m. Panel Nine Mary Agee, President and CEO, Northern Virginia Family Service
Eileen Anderson, Senior Vice President, Community Development Corporation of Long Island
Peter Elkowitaz, President and CEO, Long Island Housing Partnership, Inc.
Bishop C. Mathew Hudson, Jr., Matthews Memorial Baptist Church
Sheena Wright, President and CEO, Abyssinian Development Corporation
3:00 p.m. Panel Ten Nadine Cohen, Managing Attorney, Consumer Rights Unit--Greater Boston Legal Services
Robert Dickerson, Executive Director, Birmingham Business Resource Center
Gregory Squires, Professor of Sociology, George Washington University
Samuel Thompson, Professor of Law, Pennsylvania State University
3:35 p.m. Panel Eleven   Tobeka Green, CEO, Communities In Schools of the Nation’s Capital
Bladimir Hernandez, Student, Parkdale High School
Cheryl Logan, Principal, Parkdale High School
Nina Smith, Student, Parkdale High School
4:00 p.m. Break  
4:20 p.m. Panel Twelve   Chanelle P. Hardy, Senior Vice President and Executive Director, National Urban League Policy
Irvin Henderson, President, Irvin M. Henderson and Company
Taylor Lincoln, Research Director, Congress Watch
Amit Narang
Bartlett Naylor, Financial Policy Advocate, Congress Watch
Cembrye Ross
4:50 p.m. Panel Thirteen Adrian Mayes, Accountant/Owner, Accounting Solutions and Services
Lisa Reyna, President and CEO, International Consulates
Robert Snyder, Incubator Manager, Bethesda Green
Susan Wagner, Executive Vice President, Prince George Financial Services Corporation
5:15 p.m. Panel Fourteen   Frances Boyd Farlow, Business Owner, Getting Down to Business--Capital One Seminar
Maurita Coley, Executive Director, Capital Area Asset Builders
Barbara Goldberg Goldman, Board Co-Chair, Affordable Housing Conference of Montgomery
Vanessa Spencer, Owner, Vanessa’s Hair Salon, Getting Down to Business--Capital One Seminar
Kathy Wheeler, President and CEO, Community Business Partnership
5:40 p.m. Open Microphone  
Last Update: March 15, 2017