Public Meeting Regarding Notice by Capital One to Acquire ING Bank

Public meeting on Wednesday, October 5, 2011 at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, 101 Market Street, San Francisco, California 94105, beginning at 8:30 a.m. PDT.

Materials and Public Comments

Wednesday, October 5, 2011
8:30 a.m. Welcome and Opening Remarks Sandra Braunstein, Director, Division of Consumer and Community Affairs, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Robin Prager, Deputy Associate Director, Division of Research and Statistics, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Alison Thro, Assistant General Counsel, Legal Division, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Joan Garton, Vice President, Supervision, Regulation and Credit Department, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Robert Kidd, Attorney, Legal Department, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Scott Turner, Vice President, Community Development & Economic Education, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
8:40 a.m. Applicant Presentation John G. Finneran, Jr., Head of Corporate Reputation and Governance, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, Capital One Financial Corporation
Stacey Cooper, Vice President, CRA Business Development, Capital One Financial Corporation
9:10 a.m. Panel One Alan Fisher, California Reinvestment Coalition
Appaswamy "Vino" Pajanor, Housing Opportunities Collaborative
Paul Ainger, Sacramento|Yolo Mutual Housing Association
Katrina Vizinau, Community Housing Development Corporation
Clarence Williams, California Capital Financial Development Corporation
James Zahradka, Public Interest Law Firm
9:30 a.m. Panel Two Meera Ballal, Bexar County Family Justice Center
Ray Chung, Neighborhood Centers Inc.
Kathleen Coughlin, University of the Incarnate Word
Stephen A. Vogel, Grameen America, Inc.
Martin Arambula, Brownsville Affordable Homeownership Corporation
Douglas J. Watson, Healy-Murphy Center
9:50 a.m. Panel Three Preeti Vissa, The Greenlining Institute
Various Greenlining Institute members
10:20 a.m. Break  
10:40 a.m. Panel Four David C. Estes, Our Lady of the Lake University
Bill Halamandaris, The Heart of America Foundation
Ramiro A. Cavazos, San Antonio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Ed Riefenstahl, Fort Worth Business Assistance Center
Cynthia B. Nunn, Center for Nonprofit Management
Raymond Patterson, Patterson Industries, LLC
11:00 a.m. Panel Five Dr. J Alfred Smith, Sr., formerly Allen Temple Baptist Church
Yolanda Lewis, Black Economic Council
Jorge Corralejo, Latino Business Chamber of Greater Los Angeles
Faith Bautista, National Asian American Coalition
Robert Gnaizda, Of Counsel, NAAC, BEC and LBC-GLA
Various constituents of BEC, NAAC and LBC-GLA
11:30 a.m. Panel Six Tom M. Davidson, EverFi, Inc.
Patrena Ester, Integrity Resource Services
Jim LeBlanc, Volunteers of America Greater New Orleans
Thomas Houghton, Supportive Housing Network of New York
Janie Barrera, ACCION Texas Inc.
Howard Jefferson, Affordable Communities and Development Corporation
11:50 a.m. Panel Seven Edward Gorman, National Community Reinvestment Coalition
Pete Garcia, The Victoria Foundation
Mike Gleason, Arc of Hilo
Gene Ortega, Rural Housing, Inc.
Keri Lung, MidPen Housing Corporation
Daniel Rodriguez, East Los Angeles Community Corporation
12:10 p.m. Lunch  
1:10 p.m. Panel Eight Michael Rubinger, LISC
Lauren C. Anderson, Neighborhood Housing Services
Liz Cullen, WEConnect International
Edwin Hong, Seedco Financial Services
Jack E. Kosakowski, Junior Achievement USA
Theodore M. Lawe, SouthFair Community Development Corporation
1:30 p.m. Panel Nine Nilima Kapoor, Valley Economic Development Center
Gloria Bruce, East Bay Housing Organizations
Robert Villarreal, CDC Small Business Finance
Kevin Stein, California Reinvestment Coalition
Andrea Luquetta, California Reinvestment Coalition
Chancela Al-Mansour, Housing Rights Center
1:50 p.m. Panel Ten Rudy Cavazos, Jr., Money Management International
LaTanya Flix, The Women's Resource of Greater Houston
Sarah Harper, 1st Community Tax & Bookkeeping
Allen Shapiro, SCORE Houston
Daxa Patel, Knights Inn, Houston-Bush Intercontinental Airport
Natashia Paul, Wink Eyelash Bar & Makeup Studio
2:10 p.m. Panel Eleven Dean Preston, Tenants Together
José A. Nuño, Visionary Home Builders of California, Inc.
Rosemary Shahan, Consumers for Auto Reliability and Safety
Shamus Roller, Housing California
Jackie Campbell, City of Oakland, Community & Economic Development Agency
Selma Taylor, California Resources and Training
2:30 p.m. Panel Twelve Jeffrey L. Boney, Texas Business Alliance
Jeff Scheuer, Common Ground
Una Anderson, New Orleans Neighborhood Development Collaborative
Jennifer M. Ware, YWCA of Metropolitan Dallas
Lucy J. Bremond, HISD Strategic Partnerships
Norman Henry, Builders of Hope CDC
2:50 p.m. Break  
3:10 p.m. Panel Thirteen Maeve Elise Brown, Housing and Economic Rights Advocates
Victor Corral, Mission Economic Development Agency
Viola Gonzales, ANewAmerica Community Corporation
Michael Lane, Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California
Gail Burks, Nevada Fair Housing Center
Charles Helms, Apprisen Financial Advocates
3:30 p.m. Panel Fourteen Diane Ragsdale, Innercity Community Development Corporation
Rohan Mathew, The Intersect Fund
Rich Gross, Enterprise Community Partners, Inc.
Kevin Kong, Asian Americans for Equality
Lori Palmer, Girls Incorporated of Metropolitan Dallas
Pamela Taylor, Dress for Success San Antonio
3:50 p.m. Panel Fifteen Marva Smith Battle-Bey, Vermont Slauson Economic Development Corporation
Francis C. Neri, Advocates for Neighbors, Inc.
Asa Pittman, Public Interest Law Firm
Sheri Powers, The Unity Council
Maggie Ruiz, San Diego Housing Commission
4:10 p.m. Panel Sixteen Oscar M. Grande, People Organizing to Demand Environmental & Economic Rights
Nancy Kenyon, Fair Housing of Marin
Brian Heller de Leon, PICO California
Julie Abrams, Women's Initiative for Self Employment
Edmundo Hidalgo, Chicanos Por La Causa, Inc.
4:30 p.m. Panel Seventeen Leah Simon-Weisberg, Tenants Together
Donna Vierra, Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment
Matt Schwartz, California Housing Partnership Corporation
Claudia Viek, California Association for Micro Enterprise Opportunity
Adam Rust, Community Reinvestment Association of North Carolina
4:50 p.m. Open Microphone  
Last Update: March 15, 2017