
The Federal Reserve uses automated screening systems to conduct routine monitoring of the financial condition and performance of state member banks and BHCs. These surveillance systems rely on Call Reports and other financial regulatory reports, as well as examination data, to identify institutions exhibiting financial deterioration or increased risk profiles. This surveillance process ensures that these institutions receive timely supervisory attention and that examination resources can be directed to weak and potentially troubled institutions to supplement on-site examinations and inspections.

Policy Letters


Bank Exams Tailored to Risk (BETR)

Enhancements to the Federal Reserve System's Surveillance Program

Inspection Frequency and Scope Expectations for Bank Holding Companies and Savings and Loan Holding Companies that are Community Banking Organizations

Submission of Documents to the Central Document and Text Repository in Support of the Banking Organization National Desktop

Recommendations to Increase the Portion of Examinations and Inspections Conducted in Reserve Bank Offices

Additional Resources

Manual References

Last Update: February 04, 2025