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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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Statistics Reported by Nonbanking Enterprises in the United States

About Release Dates


These tables are discontinued with the final table released in December 2013. 

The source for these data is the Treasury International Capital System and future data publications can be found on Treasury’s website

Data were previously published in the Supplement to the Federal Reserve Bulletin, which ceased publication in December 2008.

Release Date: December 2013

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Claims on Unaffiliated Foreigners Reported by Nonbanking Business Enterprises in the United States (3.23) 1
Millions of dollars, end of period
Type of claim, and area or country 2009 2010 2011 Dec 2012 Mar 2013 Jun 2013/r Sep 2013/p
1 Total 102,138 104,801 96,668 105,130 107,756 112,665 126,471
2 Financial claims 57,059 53,723 41,570 49,406 53,891 54,404 70,203
  By Type  
3 Non-negotiable deposits 11,181 12,061 10,101 10,286 11,698 15,788 18,545
4 Negotiable securities 14,544 17,000 3,584 6,602 4,280 4,098 12,540
  Of which:  
5 Negotiable CDs 1,621 730 779 638 438 137 354
6 Other claims 31,334 24,662 27,885 32,518 37,913 34,518 39,118
  Of which:  
7 Loans2 4,709 7,840 11,998 14,777 14,760 10,685 12,113
8 Repurchase agreements2 2,150 1,522 2,415 6,303 11,919 13,283 17,339
  By currency  
9 U.S dollars 35,654 31,947 28,867 29,346 33,191 34,751 39,776
10 Foreign currency 21,405 21,776 12,703 20,060 20,700 19,653 30,427
11 Canadian dollars 1,952 3,114 2,643 2,294 2,305 2,485 2,847
12 Euros 7,496 7,637 2,666 6,793 7,333 6,057 15,350
13 United Kingdon pound sterling 1,259 2,576 2,007 3,683 3,646 3,542 4,263
14 Japanese yen 1,552 2,816 1,260 4,132 4,045 4,134 4,068
15 All other currencies 9,146 5,633 4,127 3,158 3,371 3,435 3,899
  By area or country  
16 Europe 32,763 25,703 20,575 30,029 29,222 26,502 37,462
17 Belgium-Luxembourg 275 307 252 232 270 213 313
18 France 1,379 1,182 1,695 2,834 3,945 2,975 4,899
19 Germany 2,446 3,389 2,808 2,377 2,500 1,566 7,791
20 Netherlands 1,715 1,372 1,033 632 536 259 483
21 Switzerland 854 539 226 456 464 344 358
22 United Kingdom 21,199 14,678 9,371 17,371 15,610 16,771 17,880
23 Euro Area3 9,205 8,863 9,286 9,779 10,917 6,950 16,482
24 Canada 7,653 9,850 6,746 5,190 8,279 8,641 10,456
25 Latin America and Caribbean 11,079 11,369 8,431 9,232 10,548 13,553 16,295
26 Bahamas 243 115 400 229 424 479 478
27 Bermuda 1,567 157 114 465 396 187 184
28 Brazil 1,043 977 1,071 1,006 1,006 985 1,007
29 Cayman Islands 5,984 7,809 4,801 5,143 6,396 9,799 12,432
30 Mexico 1,073 1,542 1,400 1,596 1,548 1,416 1,521
31 Venezuela 170 65 58 94 119 128 113
32 Asia 2,131 3,906 3,283 2,223 3,046 3,534 3,509
33 Japan 598 1,763 1,701 585 988 817 772
34 Middle East oil-exporting countries4 241 814 251 327 289 316 376
35 Africa 581 520 581 533 368 388 405
36 Oil-exporting countries5 60 18 23 33 16 51 36
37 All Other6 2,852 2,375 1,954 2,199 2,428 1,786 2,076
38 Commercial claims 45,079 51,078 55,098 55,724 53,865 58,261 56,268
  By Type  
39 Trade receivables 32,530 38,377 44,263 41,508 35,475 40,579 38,644
40 Advance payments and other claims 12,549 12,701 10,835 14,216 18,390 17,682 17,624
  By currency  
41 Payable in U.S. dollars 41,530 47,486 50,715 50,184 48,510 53,406 52,656
42 Payable in foreign currencies 3,549 3,592 4,383 5,540 5,355 4,855 3,612
43 Canadian dollars 567 547 338 491 533 460 561
44 Euros 1,342 1,188 647 1,252 1,554 1,583 1,395
45 United Kingdom pound sterling 479 512 481 600 625 639 663
46 Japanese yen 243 463 841 1,147 906 398 255
47 All other currencies 918 882 2,076 2,050 1,737 1,775 738
  By area or country  
48 Europe 16,804 16,821 20,303 18,360 18,691 17,669 18,072
49 Belgium-Luxembourg 2,000 1,292 1,173 1,038 1,776 2,133 2,425
50 France 1,805 1,314 1,391 1,252 1,557 1,767 1,909
51 Germany 1,705 1,684 2,490 3,224 4,160 2,271 2,155
52 Netherlands 1,068 932 1,462 1,134 1,012 1,081 1,471
53 Switzerland 869 1,187 1,144 1,090 743 1,128 844
54 United Kingdom 4,731 5,584 8,099 5,720 5,545 5,561 6,568
55 Euro Area3 9,621 8,588 8,235 9,003 10,223 8,622 8,993
56 Canada 2,821 4,383 5,632 6,286 4,656 6,533 4,161
57 Latin America and Caribbean 9,153 10,561 10,170 10,475 11,834 13,199 13,252
58 Bahamas 59 49 145 150 173 191 110
59 Bermuda 2,000 1,292 1,173 1,038 1,776 2,133 2,425
60 Brazil 960 1,447 1,180 1,185 1,157 1,350 1,406
61 Cayman Islands 924 607 518 679 2,050 2,303 2,562
62 Mexico 2,009 3,288 3,075 2,893 2,796 2,370 2,282
63 Venezuela 309 347 403 593 544 608 462
64 Asia 14,451 17,461 17,305 18,859 17,032 19,225 19,067
65 Japan 1,915 2,609 3,219 3,002 3,064 2,472 2,818
66 Middle Eastern oil-exporting countries4 2,360 3,221 2,718 3,736 3,725 3,391 3,879
67 Africa 865 823 925 938 774 778 648
68 Oil-exporting countries5 200 252 282 293 239 184 141
69 All Other6 985 1,029 763 806 878 857 1,068
  1. Effective December 2008, a number of reporters that were reclassified as bank holding companies are no longer reporting as nonbanks.   Return to table
  2. Data available on a consistently defined basis beginning in June 2006.  Return to table
  3. Includes Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain. For data as of January 2008, also includes Cyprus, Malta, and Slovenia. For data as of January 2009, also includes Slovakia. For data as of January 2011, also includes Estonia.   Return to table
  4. Comprises Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (Trucial States).  Return to table
  5. Comprises Algeria, Gabon, Libya, and Nigeria.   Return to table
  6. Includes international and regional organizations.  Return to table
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Last update: December 20, 2013