Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization - G.17

Annual Revision (458 KB PDF) (ASCII)

Release Date: July 21, 2015

Table 14

  Production Index
Price Index
Value of Production
(millions of dollars)
Annual Estimates
2001 245.1 374.6 24,640.7
2002 161.3 338.8 14,682.0
2003 167.1 287.6 12,900.4
2004 165.0 250.0 11,087.1
2005 209.6 223.1 12,540.0
2006 341.0 204.3 18,498.8
2007 239.0 183.4 12,117.4
2008 21.0 169.7 956.3
2009 60.1 148.8 2,387.8
2010 81.3 130.9 2,860.5
2011 82.3 110.2 2,427.7
2012 100.0 100.0 2,677.0
2013 110.1 90.7 2,669.9
Quarterly Estimates
2001Q1 272.6 380.1 27,754.5
Q2 253.1 373.9 25,347.7
Q3 235.8 372.2 23,502.0
Q4 220.1 372.5 21,955.3
2002Q1 177.4 355.8 16,907.3
Q2 161.1 342.1 14,757.6
Q3 155.0 334.1 13,867.8
Q4 152.5 323.9 13,231.5
2003Q1 151.9 300.1 12,214.7
Q2 172.0 302.3 13,928.9
Q3 182.7 287.3 14,055.6
Q4 163.8 260.8 11,443.7
2004Q1 180.1 269.3 12,989.0
Q2 157.6 254.6 10,746.6
Q3 160.3 244.1 10,480.5
Q4 169.9 232.7 10,584.0
2005Q1 169.0 225.3 10,200.8
Q2 191.0 222.6 11,389.5
Q3 230.7 222.8 13,767.8
Q4 264.9 222.2 15,765.1
2006Q1 235.2 217.5 13,701.6
Q2 273.1 206.0 15,062.7
Q3 382.6 199.2 20,408.5
Q4 522.7 194.4 27,214.3
2007Q1 431.6 190.6 22,031.5
Q2 373.2 188.0 18,785.5
Q3 38.1 180.8 1,845.2
Q4 43.7 174.0 2,036.5
2008Q1 22.2 177.5 1,056.3
Q2 16.6 172.0 763.1
Q3 19.0 169.1 860.3
Q4 27.1 159.6 1,157.5
2009Q1 27.5 150.8 1,112.7
Q2 50.4 151.5 2,045.2
Q3 75.6 144.5 2,928.0
Q4 90.6 147.9 3,589.4
2010Q1 84.0 139.5 3,138.0
Q2 77.2 132.4 2,739.6
Q3 83.2 127.9 2,848.0
Q4 78.3 123.6 2,591.3
2011Q1 71.2 116.0 2,213.3
Q2 79.0 109.5 2,317.7
Q3 84.8 109.1 2,476.9
Q4 91.6 106.3 2,607.4
2012Q1 95.7 104.5 2,680.1
Q2 97.8 102.5 2,684.5
Q3 101.1 97.2 2,634.4
Q4 105.3 95.9 2,703.6
2013Q1 103.6 95.4 2,646.0
Q2 108.0 92.8 2,684.2
Q3 112.3 89.5 2,690.6
Q4 116.3 85.2 2,655.2


NOTE: The production index in the table is calculated as the value of production
divided by the price index and then indexed to 2012. The production index does not
reflect changes to IP for benchmark purposes and so it is not equivalent to the
IP index for data networking equipment.

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Last update: July 21, 2015