This interactive documentation serves as a guide to the data compiled and published as part of the “Financial Accounts of the United States” (Z.1) data release. The Z.1 includes flow of funds, balance sheet, and integrated macroeconomic account data. This comprehensive documentation system is designed to help a user understand the links between series and underlying source data by providing the capability to search or browse the vast amount of information underlying the Z.1.

The two options below offer different ways to view the structure of these accounts. Option 1 allows a user to search series mnemonics, or names, and descriptions. Expand the “Tips” to see the syntax that can be used to create different searches and filter search results. Option 2 displays a list of all tables published in the Z.1 data release and some international data submissions tables, linking the user to information associated with each table.

Option 1: Search
Tips on how to search
Search Meaning Example
57? searches for codes that begin with 57 573065103
?03 searches for codes that end in 03 723065403
corporate  searches tables for corporate corporate
136 searches for codes containing 136 136006003, 175013663, 114586136
"X Y" searches for exact phrase X Y "Mutual Funds"
Option 2: Browse tables

Complete table listing


2024:Q4 data now available for the Financial Accounts of the United States

This release incorporates revisions, structural changes, and enhancements. Major changes are described in the "Release Highlights" section of the publication and are also in the online Financial Accounts Guide at The file structure of the Z.1 release consists of a single Z.1 PDF, corresponding HTML tables, and a single set of compressed CSV files with accompanying data dictionary text files. All data are available immediately for download through the Federal Reserve Data Download Program (DDP). The next Z.1 release will be Thursday, June 12, 2025 at 12:00 noon.

All announcements
Last update: January 1, 2018