Series analyzer for FL543020005.Q

Life insurance companies; checkable deposits and currency; asset

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= + FL543020075 + FL543020083

Shown on: L.116 Line 2, L.201 Line 26, L.203 Line 32, 7II_matrix Line 3:10
Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FL543020075.QLife insurance companies, general accounts; checkable deposits and currency, including those held by U.S. captive reinsurers; asset
+ FL543020083.QLife insurance companies, separate accounts; checkable deposits and currency; asset

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
- FL153020005.QHouseholds and nonprofit organizations; checkable deposits and currency; asset
+ FL523020005.QInsurance companies; checkable deposits and currency; asset
+ FL544090005.QLife insurance companies; total financial assets