FOF Code | Description |
+ FU693164115.Q | Non-MMF investment funds; public corporate equities; liability |
+ FU873081015.Q | Other financial corporations, money market funds, insurance companies, and pension funds; assets managed but not owned by other financial corporations (FSIs); asset |
+ FU693164105.Q | Non-MMF investment funds; corporate equities; liability |
+ FU494090005.Q | Real estate investment trusts and closed-end funds; total financial assets |
+ FU534090005.Q | Closed-end and exchange-traded funds; total financial assets |
+ FU793164115.Q | Domestic financial sectors; public corporate equities (equal to total before 1996q4); liability |
- FU503164115.Q | Other financial business; public corporate equities; liability |
+ FU493181005.Q | Real estate investment trusts and closed-end funds; equity and investment fund shares; liability |
+ FU494190005.Q | Real estate investment trusts and closed-end funds; total liabilities |
+ FU894090005.Q | All sectors; total financial assets |