Series analyzer for FA403061123.Q

Government-sponsored enterprises; Treasury securities held by Freddie Mac; asset

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Data Source

Level is zero between 2004:Q1 and 2008:Q4. Prior to 2004:Q1 and after 2008:Q4, level from Freddie Mac, table on Trading Securities, Non-mortgage-related securities, Debt securities issued by the U.S. Treasury and other U.S. government corporations and agencies, column Fair value. From 2008q2, revaluations calculated using PC073161103, with transactions calculated as the change in the implied book value. Data for the latest ten years show no significant seasonality. Before 2008:Q2, unadjusted transactions are the change in the level.

Last edited on: 03/10/2021
Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FU403061123.QGovernment-sponsored enterprises; Treasury securities held by Freddie Mac; asset
+ FS403061123.QGovernment-sponsored enterprises; Treasury securities held by Freddie Mac; asset

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FA404022025.QGovernment-sponsored enterprises; debt securities held by Freddie Mac; asset
+ FA403061105.QGovernment-sponsored enterprises; Treasury securities; asset