Series analyzer for FA343099030.Q

Federal government retirement funds; nonmarketable Treasury securities held by Military Retirement Fund; asset

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Data Source

Level from MTS, Table 6 Means of Financing the Deficit or Disposition of Surplus by the U.S. Government, Schedule D-Investments of Federal Government Accounts in Federal Securities, column Securities Held as Investments, Close of This Month, Trust Funds, Other Defense Civil Programs, Military retirement fund. Unadjusted transactions are the change in the level; seasonally adjusted transactions are obtained using X-13-ARIMA procedure.

Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FU343099030.QFederal government retirement funds; nonmarketable Treasury securities held by Military Retirement Fund; asset
+ FS343099030.QFederal government retirement funds; nonmarketable Treasury securities held by Military Retirement Fund; asset

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
- FA344090035.QFederal government retirement funds; total financial assets excluding nonmarketable Treasury securities
+ FA343099005.QFederal government retirement funds; nonmarketable Treasury securities and marketable Treasury securities issued to the CSRF by the Federal Financing Bank; liability