Series analyzer for FA503192003.Q

Other financial business; foreign direct investment in U.S.; liability

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Series was intended to represent funds raised by U.S. funding subsidiaries and transferred to parent institutions abroad. However, this series is under review in a joint project between FR Board International Financial Division, FOF, and BEA . Currently, unadjusted transactions and level are held constant at zero.

Last edited on: 01/05/2010
Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FU503192003.QOther financial business; foreign direct investment in U.S.; liability
+ FS503192003.QOther financial business; foreign direct investment in U.S.; liability

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FA803192005.QOther financial intermediaries except insurance companies and pension funds; foreign direct investment in U.S. (market value); liability
- FA103192005.QNonfinancial corporate business; foreign direct investment in U.S. (market value); liability
+ FA793192005.QDomestic financial sectors; foreign direct investment in U.S.; liability
- FA103192065.QNonfinancial corporate business; foreign direct investment in U.S. (current cost); liability
+ FA503192305.QOther financial business; foreign direct investment in U.S.: intercompany debt; liability (market value)
- FA503193005.QOther financial business; unidentified miscellaneous liabilities (net)