Series analyzer for FS513064003.Q

Property-casualty insurance companies; corporate equities and mutual fund shares; asset

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Data Source

Sum of common stock and preferred stock from financial statements compiled by and purchased from S&P Global. Preferred stock level from Annual Statement, table Assets, line 2.1, Preferred stocks, multiplied by ratio of fair value to book value of preferred stock reported in Schedule D - Summary by Country, line 19. Common stock level from Annual Statement, table Assets, line 2.2, Common stocks, multiplied by the ratio of fair value to book value of common stock reported in Schedule D - Summary by Country, line 25. Unadjusted transactions are the change in the level less net realized and unrealized capital gains on preferred and common stock (from Annual Statement, Exhibit of Capital Gains (Losses). Data are annual; level for other quarters are FOF Section estimates based on Quarterly Statement, table Assets, line 2.1, Preferred stocks, and line 2.2, Common stocks, both at market value. Transactions estimates based on Quarterly Statement, table Cash Flow, line 13.2, Cost of investments acquired (year-to-date), Stocks, less line 12.2, Proceeds from investments sold, matured or repaid (year-to-date), Stocks.

Last edited on: 11/29/2016
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Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FA513064003.QProperty-casualty insurance companies; corporate equities and mutual fund shares; asset
- FU513064003.QProperty-casualty insurance companies; corporate equities and mutual fund shares; asset

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FA513064003.QProperty-casualty insurance companies; corporate equities and mutual fund shares; asset
+ FU513064003.QProperty-casualty insurance companies; corporate equities and mutual fund shares; asset