Series analyzer for FA103034000.Q

Nonfinancial corporate business; money market fund shares; asset

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Data Source

Annual level from ICI factbook, table 61, Business corporations' Money market holdings. Non-year-end data points are calculated as a fixed ratio based on most recent year's total institutional money market holdings. Seasonally adjusted transactions are obtained using the X-13-ARIMA procedure.

Last edited on: 08/08/2018
Shown on: F.103 Line 19, F.206 Line 4, S.5.Q Line 42
Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FU103034000.QNonfinancial corporate business; money market fund shares; asset
+ FS103034000.QNonfinancial corporate business; money market fund shares; asset

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
- FA103093055.QNonfinancial corporate business; unidentified miscellaneous assets (excluding eREITs)
+ FA143034005.QNonfinancial business; money market fund shares; asset
- FA503034005.QOther financial business; money market fund shares; asset
+ FA103081005.QNonfinancial corporate business; equity and investment fund shares; asset
+ FA104001105.QNonfinancial corporate business; liquid assets (core measure) (FSIs)
+ FA104090055.QNonfinancial corporate business; total financial assets (excluding eREITs)
+ FA104001005.QNonfinancial corporate business; liquid assets (broad measure)