Series analyzer for FU155111005.Q

Households and nonprofit organizations; consumer durable goods, current cost basis

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Data Source

Year-end level from BEA, Fixed Asset Table 1.1 Current-Cost Net Stock of Fixed Assets and Consumer Durable Goods; line 13, Consumer durable goods. Other quarter's levels are derived from year-end level, plus the quarterly unadjusted transactions calculated as gross investment ( FOF series FU155111003) less depreciation ( FOF series FU156300103), plus an estimate of capital gains based on NIPA, Table 1.1.4 Price Indexes for Gross Domestic Product, line 4, Durable goods.

Shown on: R.101 Line 7, S.3.Q Line 71
Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FU155111003.QHouseholds and nonprofit organizations; gross fixed investment, consumer durable goods
- FU156300103.QHouseholds and nonprofit organizations; consumption of fixed capital, consumer durable goods

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FU192010005.QHouseholds; nonfinancial assets
+ FU155015805.QHouseholds and nonprofit organizations; equipment, intellectual property products, and consumer durables, current cost basis
+ FU155099465.QHouseholds and nonprofit organizations; assets less liabilities excluding directly and indirectly held corporate equities and owner-occupied housing
- FU176007005.QPersonal sector; personal saving excluding consumer durables and federal government life insurance reserves and Railroad Retirement Board and National Railroad Retirement Investment Trust pension fund reserves (FOF)
+ FV158090185.QHouseholds and nonprofit organizations; total other volume changes (Integrated Macroeconomic Accounts)
- FV158090085.QHouseholds and nonprofit organizations; other volume changes (Integrated Macroeconomic Accounts)