Series analyzer for FU223095573.Q

State and local government employee defined contribution retirement funds; general accounts unallocated insurance contracts; asset

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Total 403(b) plan financial assets are calculated as variable annuity mutual fund and money market account assets from the College Retirement Equities Fund (CREF) Stock, Global Equities, Growth, Equity Index, Bond Market, Inflation-linked Bond, Social Choice and Money Market accounts assets from Morningstar Direct, plus non-variable annuity mutual fund assets from table 6 of the Investment Company Institute report: The U.S. Retirement Market, plus the life insurance unallocated contract share of 403(b) private pension assets estimated from DOL form 5500 micro data where the life insurance share is the sum of investment in pooled separate accounts and insurance company unallocated contracts general accounts. Quarterly data is interpolated from annual data if quarterly data is unavailable. The State and local government employee retirement fund share of 403(b) plan assets is calculated as one minus DOL form 5500 micro data tabulations of pension plans that are flagged as 403(b) plans divided by total 403(b) plan assets as estimated above. The private pension fund share prior to available 5500 data is equal to the earliest available data. Level for state and local government employee defined contribution retirement funds general accounts unallocated insurance contracts calculated as the sum of: 1) 57 percent the following; total 457 retirement plan assets from ICI The U.S. Retirement Market report table 5 less 457 plan mutual funds (table 14) less 457 plan money market fund asset from ICI Mutual Fund Assets in Retirement Accounts report table 2; plus 2) the State and local pension fund share of 403(b) plan assets where the share is the insurance company unallocated insurance contracts general accounts 403(b) assets from DOL form 5500 micro data as proportion of total 403(b) assets from DOL form 5500 micro data. Shares prior to 2010 plan year are assumed to be the same as the 2010 plan year. Unadjusted transactions are the change in the level; data for the most recent ten years show no significant

Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FA223095573.QState and local government employee defined contribution retirement funds; general accounts unallocated insurance contracts; asset
- FS223095573.QState and local government employee defined contribution retirement funds; general accounts unallocated insurance contracts; asset

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
- FU543150075.QLife insurance companies, general accounts; pension entitlements, including reserve credit from reinsurers and excluding unallocated insurance contracts; liability
- FU543193075.QLife insurance companies, general accounts; unidentified miscellaneous liabilities
+ FU223095505.QState and local government employee defined contribution retirement funds; unallocated insurance contracts; asset