FOF Code | Description |
+ FL593073045.Q | Pension funds; defined benefit claims of pension fund on sponsor; asset |
+ FL313154005.Q | Federal government; life insurance reserves and pension entitlements; liability |
+ FL583090005.Q | Insurance companies and pension funds; total miscellaneous assets |
+ FL593090005.Q | Pension funds; total miscellaneous assets |
+ FL593073005.Q | Pension funds; claims of pension fund on sponsor; asset |
+ FL313190005.Q | Federal government; total miscellaneous liabilities |
+ FL344090045.Q | Federal government defined benefit retirement funds; total financial assets |
+ FL363173005.Q | General government; claims of pension fund on sponsor; liability |
+ FL313152025.Q | Federal government; retirement entitlements; liability |
+ FL313152005.Q | Federal government; insurance, pension and standardized guarantee schemes; liability (Integrated Macroeconomic Accounts) |
+ FL344090005.Q | Federal government retirement funds; total financial assets |
- FL342000075.Q | Federal government defined benefit retirement funds; total funded assets |