Series analyzer for FS513069103.Q

Property-casualty insurance companies; commercial paper; asset

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Data Source

Year-end level from annual financial statements compiled by and purchased from S&P Global. Staff tabulation of open market paper from Schedule DA--Part 1, book value, total short-term investments less U.S. government bonds less money market funds ( FOF series FL513034003) less estimate of assets subject to security repurchase agreements, which is the sum of assets subject to repurchase agreements and dollar repurchase agreements. Levels for other quarters estimated from staff tabulation of quarterly statement, Schedule DA--Part 1, percentage of total short-term investments less assets subject to agreements and dollar repurchase agreements. Percentage used is FOF Section estimate based on distribution of annual short-term investment data. Transactions are calculated as the change in level. Data for the most recent ten years show no significant seasonality.

Last edited on: 03/25/2010
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Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FA513069103.QProperty-casualty insurance companies; commercial paper; asset
- FU513069103.QProperty-casualty insurance companies; commercial paper; asset

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FA513069103.QProperty-casualty insurance companies; commercial paper; asset
+ FU513069103.QProperty-casualty insurance companies; commercial paper; asset