FOF Code | Description |
+ FA106006025.Q | Nonfinancial corporate business; net saving excluding foreign earnings retained abroad plus net capital transfers paid |
+ FA106000125.Q | Nonfinancial corporate business; IVA and U.S. internal funds, book |
+ FA826006005.Q | Domestic business; net saving including net capital transfers paid |
+ FA106060035.Q | Nonfinancial corporate business; corporate profits before tax including IVA and CCAdj |
+ FA146060035.Q | Nonfinancial business; corporate profits before tax including IVA and CCAdj |
- FA105020015.Q | Nonfinancial corporate business; inventories excluding IVA, current cost basis |
+ FA096060025.Q | Corporate business; corporate profits before tax with IVA excluding CCAdj |
- FA087005005.Q | Gross domestic product (GDP); statistical discrepancy (calculated from components) |
+ FA106000105.Q | Nonfinancial corporate business; gross saving including foreign earnings retained abroad less net capital transfers paid |