Series analyzer for FL503069005.Q

Other financial business; other loans and advances; asset

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= + FL503069805 + FL503069075 + FL503069025 + FL503069203

Shown on: L.132 Line 10, L.214 Line 54
Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FL503069805.QOther financial business; syndicated loans to nonfinancial corporate business; asset
+ FL503069075.QOther financial business; loans from Federal Reserve funding, credit and liquidity facility special purpose vehicles; asset
+ FL503069025.QOther financial business; clearing and participant fund contributions of central clearing counterparties; asset
+ FL503069203.QOther financial business; nonmarketable Treasury securities held by Federal Reserve credit facility LLCs (MSPD); asset

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FL774041005.QCaptive financial institutions and money lenders; loans including security repurchase agreements, excluding mortgages; asset
+ FL793069005.QDomestic financial sectors; other loans and advances; asset
+ FL794023005.QDomestic financial sectors; loans; asset
+ FL504004005.QOther financial business; debt securities and loans; asset