Series analyzer for FL112090205.Q

Nonfinancial noncorporate business; proprietors' equity in noncorporate business

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= + FL112000005 - FL114190005 - FL115114103

Shown on: Levels_matrix Line 29:4, Levels_matrix Line 29:10
Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FL112000005.QNonfinancial noncorporate business; total assets
- FL114190005.QNonfinancial noncorporate business; total liabilities
- FL115114103.QNonfinancial noncorporate business; foreign direct investment in U.S. real estate business: equity; liability (market value)

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FL384194005.QDomestic nonfinancial sectors; total liabilities and equity
+ FL152090205.QHouseholds and nonprofit organizations; proprietors' equity in noncorporate business
+ FL113181005.QNonfinancial noncorporate business; equity and investment fund shares; liability
+ FL892090025.QAll sectors; U.S. wealth (Integrated Macroeconomic Accounts)
+ FL143181105.QNonfinancial business; equity and investment fund shares excluding mutual fund shares and money market fund shares; liability (Integrated Macroeconomic Accounts)
+ FL143181115.QNonfinancial business; other equity; liability (Integrated Macroeconomic Accounts)
+ FL113181115.QNonfinancial noncorporate business; equity and investment fund shares excluding mutual fund shares and money market fund shares; liability
+ LM112090205.QNonfinancial noncorporate business; proprietors' equity in noncorporate business
+ FL114190085.QNonfinancial noncorporate business; revaluation of equity and foreign direct investment; liability (Integrated Macroeconomic Accounts)
- FL174090005.QPersonal sector; total financial assets
+ FL142090005.QNonfinancial business; net worth