Series analyzer for FA473030000.Q

Credit unions; total time and savings deposits, excluding Corporate Credit Unions; asset

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Data Source

From 2022Q1, market value level from NCUA Call Report (NCUA 5300), Statement of Financial Condition, Cash and Deposits: Time deposits in commercial banks, S&Ls, savings banks, natural person credit unions, or corporate credit unions (CUSANZ70). Before 2021Q4, Level from America's Credit Unions Monthly Credit Union Estimates, table National Credit Union Aggregates, sum of Investments and Cash (equals surplus funds), multiplied by ratio from table National Credit Union Ratios, Distribution of Surplus Funds, Commercial Banks, Savings and Loan Associations, and Mutual Savings Banks. Unadjusted transactions are the change in the level; seasonally adjusted transactions are obtained using X-13-ARIMA procedure.

Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FU473030000.QCredit unions; total time and savings deposits, excluding Corporate Credit Unions; asset
+ FS473030000.QCredit unions; total time and savings deposits, excluding Corporate Credit Unions; asset

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FA473030005.QCredit unions; total time and savings deposits; asset
- FA473093005.QCredit unions; unidentified miscellaneous assets