Series analyzer for FL713093005.Q

Monetary authority; unidentified miscellaneous assets

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= + FL713090003 - FL713011505 - FL715013123 - FL713091103

Shown on: L.109 Line 33, L.235 Line 22
Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FL713090003.QMonetary authority; other assets, including fixed assets, foreign currency denominated assets and central bank liquidity swaps
- FL713011505.QMonetary authority; foreign currency denominated assets
- FL715013123.QMonetary authority; furniture and equipment, book value
- FL713091103.QMonetary authority; nonofficial foreign currencies (swap lines); asset

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FL793093005.QDomestic financial sectors; unidentified miscellaneous assets
+ FL713090005.QMonetary authority; total miscellaneous assets
+ FL843093005.QMonetary authority, private depository institutions, and money market funds; unidentified miscellaneous assets
+ FL893093005.QAll sectors; unidentified miscellaneous assets
- FL903090005.QInstrument discrepancies; total miscellaneous assets