Series analyzer for FU263027003.Q

Rest of the world; checkable deposits; assets

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Level calculated as 30% of the sum of TIC form BL-1 Report of U.S. Dollar Liabilities of Depository Institutions, Bank Holding Companies/Financial Holding Companies, Brokers, and Dealers to Foreign-Residents, column 1 To Foreign Official Institutions, Non-Negotiable Deposits & Brokerage Balances and column 5 To All Other Foreigners, Non-Negotiable Deposits & Brokerage Balances, row Grand Total (code 9999-6); less TIC form BL-1 Reporting Banks' Own Liabilities to Foreigners, row Securities broker/dealer, sum of column 1 To Foreign Official Institutions, Non-Negotiable Deposits & Brokerage Balances and column 5 To All Other Foreigners, Non-Negotiable Deposits & Brokerage Balances. Transactions are calculated as the change in level. Data for the most recent ten years show no significant seasonality.

Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FA263027003.QRest of the world; checkable deposits; assets
- FS263027003.QRest of the world; checkable deposits; assets

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FU263030405.QRest of the world; transferable deposits; asset
+ FU264000005.QRest of the world; total currency and deposits; asset
+ FU263020005.QRest of the world; U.S. checkable deposits and currency; asset
+ FU763122605.QU.S.-chartered depository institutions; checkable deposits due to rest of the world; liability