Series analyzer for FU543064083.Q

Life insurance companies, separate accounts; corporate equities, variable annuity mutual fund shares, and variable annuity money market fund shares; asset

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Data Source

Level calculated by FOF Section from financial statements compiled by and purchased from S&P Global and three other Financial Accounts series. Sum of Separate Accounts Statement, table Assets, line 2.1, Preferred stocks, and line 2.2, Common stocks, less FL513034003.Q, less FL543064385.Q, less FL543064283.Q. Data are annual; levels for other quarters are constructed from FOF Section estimates of capital gains and transactions.

Last edited on: 06/06/2016
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Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FA543064083.QLife insurance companies, separate accounts; corporate equities, variable annuity mutual fund shares, and variable annuity money market fund shares; asset
- FS543064083.QLife insurance companies, separate accounts; corporate equities, variable annuity mutual fund shares, and variable annuity money market fund shares; asset

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FU543064185.QLife insurance companies, separate accounts; corporate equities
- FU543090085.QLife insurance companies, separate accounts; total miscellaneous assets
+ FU544090085.QLife insurance companies, separate accounts; total financial assets