Series analyzer for FL593073005.Q

Pension funds; claims of pension fund on sponsor; asset

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= + FL573073005 + FL223073045 + FL343073045

Shown on: L.101 Line 20, L.117 Line 20, 720_matrix Line 29:1, 720_matrix Line 29:3, 720_matrix Line 29:14, 720_matrix Line 29:16, 720_matrix Line 62:1
Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FL573073005.QPrivate defined benefit pension funds; claims of pension fund on sponsor; asset
+ FL223073045.QState and local government employee defined benefit retirement funds; claims of pension fund on sponsor; asset
+ FL343073045.QFederal government defined benefit retirement funds; claims of pension funds on sponsor; asset

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FL883052025.QAll domestic sectors; retirement entitlements; asset (Integrated Macroeconomic Accounts)
+ FL793052045.QDomestic financial sectors; net equity in life insurance and pension funds; asset (Integrated Macroeconomic Accounts)
+ FL593052025.QPension funds; retirement entitlements; asset (Integrated Macroeconomic Accounts)
- FL593090015.QPension funds; miscellaneous assets, excluding claims of pension fund on sponsor
- FL153050025.QHouseholds and nonprofit organizations; funded pension entitlements; asset