Series analyzer for FL313064163.Q

Federal government; corporate equities issued by bank-holding companies (GMAC) under the federal financial stabilization programs; asset

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Data Source

Unadjusted transactions from unpublished monthly OFS Summary to Validate Amounts on the MTS - All Funds_Direct Loans_Equity, TARP Equity Financing Fund, Disbursements, sum of transactions labeled "Equity GMAC " completed in the quarter. Capital gains are equal to unadjusted transactions of capital transfers received by GMAC from the federal government under the financial stabilization program ( FOF series FU735400033). Level is obtained by adding unadjusted transactions and capital gain to preceding level. Data for the most recent ten years show no significant seasonality.

Last edited on: 01/06/2014
Derived from:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FL313064163.QFederal government; corporate equities issued by bank-holding companies (GMAC) under the federal financial stabilization programs; asset
+ FU313064163.QFederal government; corporate equities issued by bank-holding companies (GMAC) under the federal financial stabilization programs; asset
+ FR313064163.QFederal government; corporate equities issued by bank-holding companies (GMAC) under the federal financial stabilization programs; asset
+ FV313064163.QFederal government; corporate equities issued by bank-holding companies (GMAC) under the federal financial stabilization programs; asset

Used in:
FOF CodeDescription
+ FL313064195.QFederal government; corporate equities issued by non-depository financial institutions; asset
+ FL313064105.QFederal government; corporate equities; asset
+ LM313064163.QFederal government; corporate equities issued by bank-holding companies (GMAC) under the federal financial stabilization programs; asset